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Adding a Backlog Item to a Sprint or Iteration on the Sprint Scheduling Page

This topic explains how to add a Backlog Item to a Sprint or Iteration on the Sprint Scheduling Page.


Follow these steps to learn how to add a story or backlog item to a sprint or iteration.


  1. Click the hamburger menu Hamburger iconIteration (or Sprint) > Iteration Scheduling (or Sprint Scheduling).
  2. Select a sprint or iteration on the left.
  3. Choose one of the following:
  • Select the Add Story Inline or Add Story, enter the required information, and then click Save.
  • Scroll to the Backlog grid at the bottom of the page, select an item, and then drag a story into the sprint grid at the top of the page.
    • To schedule multiple items, select the checkbox next to each item, and then click Move to Sprint. When the Sprint Assignment window opens, select a sprint, and then click Move.

Expand any sprint container to view the list of backlog within it. After an item has been scheduled, it is removed from the Backlog grid at the bottom of the page. If the Sprint schedule does not already exist, you can create one as described in Creating a New Sprint Schedule.