Mobile Studio - Keyboard Shortcuts for VoiceOver and Talkback
When using a Windows keyboard, replace "Option" with Alt and "Command" with the Windows key.
Button Title | Description | iOS VoiceOver Finger Gesture | Keyboard Shortcut | Supported | Appium Command | SeeTest Command (Automation) |
Activate | Tap object | Double-tap | Control+Option+Space | Yes | driver.executeScript({sp"seetest:client.sendKeysWithBT", "" + Keys.CONTROL + Keys.ALT + " "); | client.sendKeysWithBT("CTRL+ALT", " "); |
Special | Invoke special action | Two-finger double-tap | Control+Option+Hyphen | Yes | driver.executeScript("seetest:client.sendKeysWithBT", "" + Keys.CONTROL+ Keys.ALT + "-"); | client.sendKeysWithBT("CTRL+ALT", "-"); |
Back/Close | Back, cancel, or close | Two-finger swipe back-and-forth | Esc | Yes | driver.executeScript("seetest:client.sendKeysWithBT", "" + Keys.ESC); | client.sendKeysWithBT("{ESC}"); |
Item Chooser | Open Item Chooser | Two-finger triple tap | Control+Option+I | Yes | driver.executeScript("seetest:client.sendKeysWithBT", "" + Keys.CONTROL+ Keys.ALT + "I"); | client.sendKeysWithBT("CTRL+ALT", "I"); |
Read First | Read all from the first item | Two-finger swipe up | Control+Option+B | Yes | driver.executeScript("seetest:client.sendKeysWithBT", "" + Keys.CONTROL+ Keys.ALT + "B"); | client.sendKeysWithBT("CTRL+ALT", "B"); |
Read Selected | Read all from the selected item | Two-finger swipe down | Control+Option+A | Yes | driver.executeScript("seetest:client.sendKeysWithBT", "" + Keys.CONTROL+ Keys.ALT + "A"); | client.sendKeysWithBT("CTRL+ALT", "A"); |
Pause Speech | Pause or resume speech | Three-finger triple tap | Control | NO | Not supported | Not supported |
Speech On/Off | Toggle speech on/off | Three-finger double tap | Control+Option+S | Yes | driver.executeScript("seetest:client.sendKeysWithBT", "" + Keys.CONTROL+ Keys.ALT + "S"); | client.sendKeysWithBT("CTRL+ALT", "S"); |
Previous | Go to the previous item | Swipe left | LeftArrow | Yes | driver.executeScript("seetest:client.sendKeysWithBT", "" + Keys.ARROW_LEFT); | client.sendKeysWithBT("{LEFT}"); |
Next | Go to next item | Swipe right | RightArrow | Yes | driver.executeScript("seetest:client.sendKeysWithBT", "" + Keys.ARROW_RIGHT); | client.sendKeysWithBT("{RIGHT}"); |
Curtain On/Off | Toggle screen curtain on/off | Three-finger triple-tap | Control+Option+F11 | Yes | driver.executeScript("seetest:client.sendKeysWithBT", "" + Keys.CONTROL + Keys.ALT + Keys.F11); | client.sendKeysWithBT("CTRL+ALT", "{F11}"); |
Home | Go to the home screen | Five-finger pinch | Control+Option+H | Yes | driver.executeScript("seetest:client.sendKeysWithBT", "" + Keys.CONTROL + Keys.ALT + "H"); | client.sendKeysWithBT("CTRL+ALT", "H"); |
Page Left | Previous horizontal page | Three-finger swipe right | Option+LeftArrow | Yes | driver.executeScript("seetest:client.sendKeysWithBT", "" + Keys.ALT + Keys.ARROW_LEFT); | client.sendKeysWithBT("ALT", "{LEFT}"); |
Page Right | Next horizontal page | Three-finger swipe left | Option+RightArrow | Yes | driver.executeScript("seetest:client.sendKeysWithBT", "" + Keys.ALT + Keys.ARROW_RIGHT); | client.sendKeysWithBT("ALT", "{RIGHT}"); |
Page Down | Next vertical page | Three-finger swipe up | Option+DownArrow | Yes | driver.executeScript("seetest:client.sendKeysWithBT", "" + Keys.ALT + Keys.ARROW_DOWN); | client.sendKeysWithBT("ALT", "{DOWN}"); |
Page Up | Previous vertical page | Three-finger swipe down | Option+UpArrow | Yes | driver.executeScript("seetest:client.sendKeysWithBT", "" + Keys.ALT + Keys.ARROW_UP); | client.sendKeysWithBT("ALT", "{UP}"); |
Cut | Cut selected text | Select Copy pop-up menu item | Command+X | Yes | driver.executeScript("seetest:client.sendKeysWithBT", "" + Keys.META + "X"); | client.sendKeysWithBT("META", "X"); |
Copy | Copy selected text | Select Copy pop-up menu item | Command+C | Yes | driver.executeScript("seetest:client.sendKeysWithBT", "" + Keys.META + "C"); | client.sendKeysWithBT("META", "C"); |
Paste | Paste selected text | Choose Paste pop-up menu item | Command+V | Yes | driver.executeScript("seetest:client.sendKeysWithBT", "" + Keys.META + "V"); | client.sendKeysWithBT("META", "V"); |
Select All | Select all text | n/a | Command+A | Yes | driver.executeScript("seetest:client.sendKeysWithBT", "" + Keys.META + "A"); | client.sendKeysWithBT("META", "A"); |
Rotor Prev | Previous Rotor item | Two-finger twist left | Command+Control+Option+LeftArrow | Yes | driver.executeScript("seetest:client.sendKeysWithBT", "" + Keys.CONTROL + Keys.ALT + Keys.META + Keys.ARROW_LEFT); | client.sendKeysWithBT("CTRL+ALT+META", "{LEFT}"); |
Rotor Next | Next Rotor item | Two-finger twist right | Command+Control+Option+RightArrow | Yes | driver.executeScript("seetest:client.sendKeysWithBT", "" + Keys.CONTROL + Keys.ALT + Keys.META + Keys.ARROW_RIGHT); | client.sendKeysWithBT("CTRL+ALT+META", "{RIGHT}"); |
Rotor Up | Increment current Rotor item | Flick up | Command+Control+Option+UpArrow | Yes | driver.executeScript("seetest:client.sendKeysWithBT", "" + Keys.CONTROL + Keys.ALT + Keys.META + Keys.ARROW_UP); | client.sendKeysWithBT("CTRL+ALT+META", "{UP}"); |
Rotor Down | Decrement current Rotor item | Flick down | Command+Control+Option+DownArrow | Yes | driver.executeScript("seetest:client.sendKeysWithBT", "" + Keys.CONTROL + Keys.ALT + Keys.META + Keys.ARROW_DOWN); | client.sendKeysWithBT("CTRL+ALT+META", "{DOWN}"); |
Prev App | Switch to the previous app | Four-finger swipe right | N/A | NO | Not supported | Not supported |
Next App | Switch to next app | Four-finger swipe left | N/A | NO | Not supported | Not supported |
Status Bar | Move to/from the status bar | Tap top of the screen | Control+Option+M | Yes | driver.executeScript("seetest:client.sendKeysWithBT", "" + Keys.CONTROL+ Keys.ALT + "M"); | client.sendKeysWithBT("CTRL+ALT", "M"); |
Help On | Toggle VoiceOver help on | Control+Option+K | Yes | driver.executeScript("seetest:client.sendKeysWithBT", "" + Keys.CONTROL+ Keys.ALT + "K"); | client.sendKeysWithBT("CTRL+ALT", "K"); | |
Help Off | Toggle VoiceOver help off | Esc (when Help is on) | Yes | driver.executeScript("seetest:client.sendKeysWithBT", "" + Keys.ESC); | client.sendKeysWithBT("{ESC}"); |
TalkBack Support
TalkBack should be configured with the default keymap.
These shortcuts \use the Alt key. To choose a different modifier, click Settings → Accessibility → TalkBack → Settings → Keyboard shortcuts, then choose a modifier key.
Button Title | Description | Keyboard Shortcut | Supported | Appium Command | SeeTest Command |
Next | Move to the next item | Alt + Right Arrow | Yes | driver.executeScript("seetest:client.sendKeysWithBT", "" + Keys.ALT + Keys.ARROW_RIGHT); | client.sendKeysWithBT("ALT", "{RIGHT}"); |
Previous | Move to the previous item | Alt + Left Arrow | Yes | driver.executeScript("seetest:client.sendKeysWithBT", "" + Keys.ALT + Keys.ARROW_LEFT); | client.sendKeysWithBT("ALT", "{LEFT}"); |
Above | Move to item above | Alt + Up arrow | Yes | driver.executeScript("seetest:client.sendKeysWithBT", "" + Keys.ALT + Keys.ARROW_UP); | client.sendKeysWithBT("ALT", "{UP}"); |
Below | Move to item below | Alt + Down arrow | Yes | driver.executeScript("seetest:client.sendKeysWithBT", "" + Keys.ALT + Keys.ARROW_DOWN); | client.sendKeysWithBT("ALT", "{DOWN}"); |
Click | Click focused element | Alt + Enter | Yes | driver.executeScript("seetest:client.sendKeysWithBT", "" + Keys.ALT + Keys.ENTER); | client.sendKeysWithBT("ALT", "{ENTER}"); |
Back | Back | Alt + Backspace | Yes | driver.executeScript("seetest:client.sendKeysWithBT", "" + Keys.ALT + Keys.BACK_SPACE); | client.sendKeysWithBT("ALT", "{BKSP}"); |
Home | Home | Alt + Control + h | Yes | driver.executeScript("seetest:client.sendKeysWithBT", "" + Keys.ALT + Keys.CONTROL + "H"); | client.sendKeysWithBT("ALT+CTRL", "H"); |
Recent Apps | Open recent Apps | Alt + Control + r | Yes | driver.executeScript("seetest:client.sendKeysWithBT", "" + Keys.ALT + Keys.CONTROL + "R"); | client.sendKeysWithBT("ALT+CTRL", "R"); |
Notifications | Notifications | Alt + Control + n | Yes | driver.executeScript("seetest:client.sendKeysWithBT", "" + Keys.ALT + Keys.CONTROL + "N"); | client.sendKeysWithBT("ALT+CTRL", "N"); |