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Version: 25.0

Migrating from Continuum (Agility Connect) to Agility Connect

Please reach out to the Services/Support team before kickstarting your upgrade from Continuum/Agility Connect to Agility Connect.

Please DO NOT try the upgrade steps by yourself.

With Agility Connect, we have decoupled the Agility Connect features from Continuum. Based on your usage of Agility Connect and Continuum features, choose from the following migration options:

  • If you are using only Agility Connect features in Continuum, you may upgrade on same hardware from Continuum to Agility Connect.
  • If you are using both Continuum and Agility Connect features in Continuum, you can upgrade on new hardware from Continuum to Agility Connect.

Upgrade on Same Hardware from Continuum to AgilitySync Server


  • Note down the UI_external_url and msg_hub_url from the Continuum server settings.


Export the Mapping and Tasks Data:

  1. Login to the Continuum server
  2. Stop Services by using `ctm-stop-services` command.
  3. Download the as-export script from ( to the /tmp dir in Continuum server.
  4. Make the as-export file as executable.
    chmod +x as-export
  5. Export the data by using: ./ as-export <location>
    For example, ./as-export -p <export-path>
    Note: tar file will be exported in the given location.

Install AgilitySync:

  1. Refer to the Agility Connect installation topic for instructions installing Agility Connect in the given location. Install the Agility Connect installer on same machine.

Import the exported tar file:

  1. Download the “as-import” script from ( to the /tmp directory.

  2. Make the as-import file as executable.
    chmod +x as-import

  3. Execute the import script by providing the data dump file location, New instance URL, Old Instance URL and msghub_url.
    For example: ./as-import -i <Data-Dump-location> -n <ctm-ui-external-url> -o <ctm-ui-external-url> -msg-url <wss://msg-hub-url>

  4. Step 4 is required only if you are upgrading from Continuum to Agility Connect 22.2 directly. If you are installing Agility Connect 22.2 directly or upgrading from Agility Connect 22.1, skip to step 5.

    Switch to the common directory and update the database
    cd /opt/agilitysync/current/common/

  5. Restart the services after Import using as-restart-services.

  6. Login to the Agility Connect instance via the UI using the same Continuum server’s credentials.

To execute the Task after Import:

Please perform the below steps before executing Tasks from the Agility Connect server.

Plugins - In Agility Connect, there is no concept of having default plugin instance. So, the task needs to be manually configured with the corresponding plugin instance.

Upgrade on New Hardware from Continuum to Agility Connect Server


Export the Mapping and Task Data from Continuum:

  1. Login to the Continuum server
  2. Stop Services by using `ctm-stop-services` command.
  3. Disable the Continuum echo data Sync services using the ctm-disable-service ctm-echo_datasync command.
  4. Download the as-export script from ( to the /tmp dir in Continuum server.
  5. Make the as-export file as executable.
    chmod +x as-export
  6. Export the data by using: ./ as-export <location>
    For example, ./as-export -p <export-path>
    Note: tar file will be exported in the given location.
  7. Copy the exported file to the new Agility Connect instance.

Install Agility Connect:

  1. Login via terminal to the new Agility Connect instance.
  2. Refer to the Agility Connect installation topic for instructions installing Agility Connect in the given location. Install the Agility Connect installer on the new server.

Import the exported tar file:

  1. Download the “as-import” script from ( to the /tmp dir.

  2. Make the as-import file as executable.
    chmod +x as-import

  3. Execute the import script by providing the data dump file location, New instance URL, Old Instance URL and msghub_url.
    For example: ./as-import -i <Data-Dump-location> -n <agilitysync-ui-external-url > -o <ctm-ui-external-url> -msg-url <wss://agilitysync-ui-external-url>

  4. Step 4 is required only if you are upgrading from Continuum to Agility Connect 22.2 directly. If you are installing Agility Connect 22.2 directly or upgrading from Agility Connect 22.1, skip to step 5.

    Switch to the common directory and update the database
    cd /opt/agilitysync/current/common/

  5. Restart the services after Import using as-restart-services.

  6. Login to the Agility Connect instance via the UI using the old Continuum server’s credentials.

To execute the Task after Import:

Please perform the below steps before executing Tasks from the Agility Connect server.

  • cd /opt/agilitysync/current/common/

  • ./

  • as-restart-services


  • Plugins - In Agility Connect, there is no concept of having default plugin instance. So, the task needs to be manually configured with the corresponding plugin instance.

  • Webhooks – Change the task Webhook URL with the new Agility Connect URL, in Agility Webhooks.

    Log on to the respective ALM systems (Jira/Azure DevOps, or Agility) and check if the webhook is modified to the new Agility Connect URL.