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Version: 25.0 Agility— SalesForce Integration Agility Connect supports integration between Agility and (Undefined variable: Global Variables.sfdc.long).

Agility Connect supports the following (Undefined variable: Global Variables.sfdc.long) assets:

  • Case
  • Opportunity
  • Lead
  • Account
  • Custom Assets

Salesforce project mapping is not supported. You must select "No Projects" from the Projects drop-down list when you integrate Agility—(Undefined variable: Global Variables.sfdc.long).

Unlike other tools, Salesforce uses specific fields such as Consumer Key, Consumer Secret, Security Token, and so on for authentication. You must gather values for such fields from Salesforce and configure the Salesforce plugin in Agility Connect. For more information, see Configuring Agility Connect Service.

You must add Agility Connect as a connected app in Salesforce to generate the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret. You must also enable OAuth for API integration and enable Device Flow while doing so. For more information about (Undefined variable: Global Variables.sfdc.long) Connected Apps, see Create a Connected App.

Webhook configuration in Salesforce

In addition, you must configure the webhooks using the webhook scripts.

  1. Download the file and unzip it.

  2. Edit the DAiUtilities.cls file and add the endpoint URL to the request.setEndpoint function call and save the file. Here's an example:

  3. Log on to Salesforce.

  4. Go to Admin > Developer Console.

  5. Create an Apex Class file in Salesforce for every .clsfile in the file you downloaded.

  6. Select File > New > Apex Class, type the name of the Apex Class (for example, DAiUtilities), and click OK.

  7. Open the DAiUtilities.cls file that you downloaded, copy its content and paste it in the DAiUtilities Apex Class file you just created in Salesforce.

  8. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for TriggerHandlerClass.cls file.

  9. Create an Apex Trigger in Salesforce for every .tgr file in file you downloaded.

  10. Select File > New > Apex Trigger, type a file name and sObject. For example, if Account_webhook.tgris the file name, Account becomes the sObject.

  11. Open the Account_webhook.tgrfile that you downloaded, copy its content and paste it in the Account_webhook Apex Trigger file you just created in Salesforce.

  12. Repeat steps 8 and 9 for all the .tgr files in the downloaded zip file.

  13. For Custom Assets that you have added manually, you have to create an Apex trigger file.

The content of the Apex file is similar to any existing apex Webhook trigger file like Account or Cases.

To Add Remote Setting for Agility Connect and (Undefined variable: Global Variables.sfdc.short), perform the following actions.

  1. Log in to Salesforce, click the Gear icon and select Setup.
  2. In the Search bar type Remote and navigate to Security > Remote Site Settings.
  3. Click on New Remote Site.
  4. Enter the Remote Site Name and enter the Agility Sync URL in the Remote Site URL text box.
  5. Click Save.

By default the Active Check box is selected.

A connection is established between Agility Sync instance and SFDC.

Refer to the following guides and build your Agility —Salesforce integration. Agility to Salesforce integration Feature Matrix

See Agility Connect Feature Matrix to know the list of Agility Connect features that are supported for Salesforce integration.