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Version: Release 24.1

Kubernetes Container Plugin

The Kubernetes container plugin offers a range of functionalities to enhance Kubernetes cluster management, deployment, and operations.


You must set up a connection to the Kubernetes server before adding AWS tasks. For more information, see Set up Connection to Kubernetes Server.


In the release flow editor, Container tasks have a blue border.

Kubernetes provides the following features:

  • Apply Command (Container)
  • Check Resource Readiness (Container)
  • Check Status of Pods in Namespace (Container)
  • Check if Namespace Exists (Container)
  • Create Annotation for Resource (Container)
  • Create ConfigMap (Container)
  • Create Label for Resource (Container)
  • Create Namespace (Container)
  • Create Secret (Container)
  • Delete Annotation for Resource (Container)
  • Delete ConfigMap (Container)
  • Delete Label for Resource (Container)
  • Delete Namespace (Container)
  • Delete Secret (Container)
  • Execute Command (Container)
  • Fetch Resources as YAML (Container)
  • Get Annotation for Resource (Container)
  • Get ConfigMap by Name in Namespace (Container)
  • Get Label for Resource (Container)
  • Get Secret by Name in Namespace (Container)
  • List Annotation for Resource (Container)
  • List all Namespaces (Container)
  • List all Services in Namespace (Container)
  • Patch ConfigMap (Container)
  • Patch Resource (Container)
  • Patch Secret (Container)
  • Update Annotation for Resource (Container)
  • Update ConfigMap (Container)
  • Update Label for Resource (Container)
  • Update Secret (Container)
  • Wait for Resource Conditions (Container)


For Kubernetes integration, you need the following:

  • Kubernetes server running and accessible via HTTP(s)
  • Release Runner setup to run the container tasks

Set up Connection to Kubernetes Server

  1. From the navigation pane, under CONFIGURATION, click Connections.
  2. Under HTTP Server connections, next to Kubernetes API Server (Container), click add button. The New Kubernetes API Server (Container) page opens.
  3. In the Title field, enter a name for the configuration.
  4. In the URL field, enter the URL of the Kubernetes API server.
  5. In the Authentication method drop-down list, select the required authentication option. The options are as follows:
    • Token
    • Client Certificate
    • OAuth2 Client Credentials
    • OIDC Flow Note that, some additional fields will be enabled based on the authentication option selected.
  6. If you want to connect to the server, without validating the TLS certificate, select the Insecure checkbox.
  7. In the Certificate Authority field, enter the trusted root certificate for server in base64 format.
  8. In the QPS field, enter a value to define the maximum queries that can be sent per second to the master from this client.
  9. In the Burst field, enter a value to define the maximum burst capacity allowed for a specific resource, such as API requests, within a given time frame.
  10. In the Provider Type drop-down list, select the cloud provider. The options are as follows:
  • AWS
  • GCP
  • Azure
  1. In the Bearer Token field, enter the bearer token for authentication. You can also add the variable here.
  2. To test the connection, click Test.
  3. To save the configuration, click Save.

Create Kubernetes server

Apply Command (Container)

The Apply Command (Container) task creates or updates resources defined in a Kubernetes configuration file.

  1. In the release flow tab of a Release template, add a task of type Kubernetes > Apply Command (Container).
  2. Click the added task to open it.
  3. In the Capabilities field, enter a value that matches the capability set for your Runner. This will help you to route jobs to that particular Runner.
  4. In the Server field, select the configured Kubernetes server.
  5. In the Namespace field, enter a Kubernetes namespace in which the target pod is located.
  6. In the Yaml Location field, enter the location of the Kubernetes YAML file.
  7. In the Yaml Content field, enter the content of the Kubernetes YAML file.

Execute Command (Container)

Execute Command (Container)

The Execute Command (Container) task enables you to directly execute commands within a container running in a Kubernetes pod.

  1. In the release flow tab of a Release template, add a task of type Kubernetes > Execute Command (Container).
  2. Click the added task to open it.
  3. In the Capabilities field, enter a value that matches the capability set for your Runner. This will help you to route jobs to that particular Runner.
  4. In the Server field, select the configured Kubernetes server.
  5. In the Namespace field, enter a Kubernetes namespace in which the target pod is located.
  6. In the Pod Name field, enter the name of the pod in which the command will be executed.
  7. In the Container Name field, enter the name of the container inside the pod in which the command will be executed.
  8. In the Command field, enter the command to be executed within the specified container of the selected pod.

Execute Command (Container)