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Version: Release 23.3

Update ArgoCD Application Workflow

  1. Specify RunAs user This is the first screen that welcomes you when you run a workflow. It specifies a user to run the workflow. Specify RunAs user

  2. Check if remote runner exists After you set up your user, the workflow verifies the existence of the remote runner. A task cannot run if the remote runner is not available. Check if remote runner exists

The validity of the task can be seen on the right sidebar. Task validity

If the tasks that don't require any user input (like check if remote runner exists) are successful, workflow will automatically advance to the next step.

  1. General information input This step requires some general information about ArgoCD and the cluster. General information input General information input

  2. Git repository input This step allows you to update the manifest by changing the repository or the revision. Git repository input

  3. Application information input This step allows you to update the application properties. Note that the namespace can be changed later. Application information input Application information input

  4. Namespace input Special workflow task is performed for the namespace. If the namespace is not modified, it remains the same. If a new namespace is entered, it will automatically be created. Namespace input

  5. Check if namespace exists

This step checks if the user provided namespace already exists. If it doesn't then the next step creates it. Check if namespace exists

  1. Create namespace

This step creates the namespace on the cluster if it doesn't exist.

  1. Update ArgoCD application

This step sends a request to the ArgoCD server to update the application with the provided information. You can track the status of the task. Update ArgoCD application

  1. Sync application

Sends a Sync request to the ArgoCD for the given application. It is done so that ArgoCD can propagate the updates from the previous step. Sync application

  1. Get application status

This step checks if the application was successfully updated. Get application status