๐๏ธ Release Templates
In Release, templates are like blueprints for releases. You can use templates to model the ideal process of a release flow. A template can describe a procedure that is used to deliver different applications, or it can describe a procedure that is used to release a particular application and that will be reused for different versions of the application.
๐๏ธ Import a Release Template
This topic explains how to use templates to model the ideal process of a release flow.
๐๏ธ Start a Release From a Template
This topic describes how to create a release from a template using various methods and the steps required before starting the release.
๐๏ธ Manage Templates and Releases With Folders
Folders provide an intuitive way to organize your templates, releases, configurations and dashboards by project, by team, or by any other model that fits your organization. With folders, you can easily apply security settings to a large number of templates and releases by setting role-based access control at any level of your folder hierarchy.
๐๏ธ Migrate Templates to Folders
This topic describes how you can migrate existing templates from earlier versions of Release into folders. It shows an example in which all templates related to releasing the Release product will be moved to a folder called Release.
๐๏ธ Gitops-enabled Version Control
From Digital.ai Release 10.2, you can use GitOps-enabled version control to store and track changes to folder entities in the form of YAML files (Releasefile.yaml) within a Git repository.
๐๏ธ Template Version Control
You can use the template version control feature to track changes to a template and to revert past changes. While Release automatically tracks template changes for compliance and auditing purposes, template version control is used to save specific versions of a template and to roll back changes.
๐๏ธ Releasefile View
You can use the Release Releasefile view to see the current template in Releasefile format.