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Application Onboarding Overview

Application Onboarding is a modernized control panel for Developers to enable efficient application onboarding in a hybrid or multi-cloud environments. With Release 23.1, we are bringing in new self-service workflows so that Developers can onboard their applications easier with minimum knowledge of tools. Newly introduced workflows guide users through step-by-step execution of tasks, reducing complexity in setting up environments. Application Onboarding leverages cloud benefits such as scalability, availability, and optimizing applications for the cloud for improved performance and reliability. It also helps ensure adherence to cloud security and compliance best practices.

Calendar View

This topic provides an overview of the calendar features in Release, including different views (day, week, month, year) and how to filter and export the calendar.

Change a Task's Type

This topic explains how to change the type of a task in Release, including the necessary permissions for modifying tasks in templates, planned releases, and active releases.

Code Releases Using the Releasefile

This topic explains how Release can define a release from a Groovy-based DSL script, that describes all the phases, tasks, and task-groups in the release. This enables you to store release definitions as code in version control and gives you programmatic control over a release when creating it.

Configure Http2 for Release

This topic illustrates how to configure the settings required to install Release with HTTP2 backend enabled on a Kubernetes cluster.

Configure SSL/TLS in Kubernetes Environment

This topic illustrates how to configure SSL/TLS with Release. A self-signed certificate is used for illustrative purposes in this procedure. However, you may want to replace it with your own trusted certificate for production environments, which you can do by creating a new Secret object in Kubernetes that contains your certificate and then configuring the ingress controller to use it.

Core Concepts

This topic provides an overview of the core concepts and processes in Release, including releases, phases, tasks, release flow, release owners, templates, and teams. It explains how Release helps plan, track, and execute releases, serving as a central source of truth for all involved stakeholders.

Create a Release From a Git Repository

Using a Git trigger you can start a release that will execute an External Script task that contains a DSL. The External Script task should point to a file from a Git repository. You must provide HTTP/HTTPS access to the file with a direct link. HTTP authentication provides security.

Create a Release Trigger

Release triggers are an automated way to create and run a release. When you create a trigger for a release template and enable it, Release will execute the script associated with the trigger at a specified interval. When the trigger starts, it will create and start a new release from the template. A good example of a trigger is one that polls a source code management system like GitHub for a change and starts a release as a result.

Create Delivery Task

A Create Delivery task is an automatic task that creates a new delivery from a delivery pattern.

Create Release Variables

You can use variables to manage information that you don't know in advance or that may change. Unlike global variables, release variables can only be used in the template or release in which they are created. You can create a release variable using the release flow editor or the Variables screen.

Dashboard Templates

This topic explains how to use dashboard templates in Release to quickly build a dashboard that provides information on your deployments and releases.

Dashboards in Release

This topic provides an overview of Release reports, including types of dashboards, report permissions, and report caching. Release reports display graphs and statistics based on historical release data stored in the archive database, and are available to users with the appropriate permissions.

Delivery Patterns Tutorial

Delivery Patterns in Release allow you to create pipelines where each team can work at its own timelines and tools, and converge at synchronized points.

Find Delivery Task

A Find Delivery task is an automatic task that searches for an existing delivery by tracked item or by name.

Find or Create Delivery Task

A Find Or Create Delivery task is an automatic task that searches for an existing delivery or creates a new one from a delivery pattern.

How to Find Identifiers for REST API

To use the Release REST API, you need to know the unique identifiers for templates, releases, phases and tasks. This topic explains where you can find them.

Install—Deploy or Release—On-Premise Kubernetes

Important: Use these instructions to install Deploy or Release on a minikube multi-node cluster for testing or illustration purposes. Do not use these instructions to set up a production environment.

Introduction to Delivery Patterns

The Delivery Patterns feature in Release allows you to use deliveries and tracked items to synchronize multiple releases together. This allows you to design delivery patterns that conform to the release standards being used by your organization, such as SAFe.

Introduction to Delivery Patterns

The Delivery Patterns feature in Release allows you to use deliveries and tracked items to synchronize multiple releases together. This allows you to design delivery patterns that conform to the release standards being used by your organization, such as SAFe.

Manage Release Template as Code

This tutorial is intended to help you get started with DevOps as Code in Release. It describes how to generate a DevOps as Code YAML file from an existing Release template and manage it in source control.

Manage Templates and Releases With Folders

Folders provide an intuitive way to organize your templates, releases, configurations and dashboards by project, by team, or by any other model that fits your organization. With folders, you can easily apply security settings to a large number of templates and releases by setting role-based access control at any level of your folder hierarchy.

Managing Delivery Patterns

This topic describes how to create and manage delivery patterns. A delivery pattern allows you to design a flow of stages that the tracked items in a delivery must go through. You can reuse these patterns in multiple deliveries.

Mark Tracked Items Task

A Mark Tracked Items task is an automatic task that completes or skips one or more tracked items on a running delivery.

Parameters in the Custom Resource File

Here is the list of the main parameters for the Release Custom Resource (CR). The following table lists the parameters available in the Release's dairelease_cr.yaml file and their default values.

Plan Your Installation or Upgrade

You use the XL CLI's xl kube command to install or upgrade Deploy or Release or Remote Runner. For more information, see XL Kube Command Reference.

Register a Tracked Item

This topic describes how to add one or more tracked items to a delivery. If you want to track a new feature as part of your end to end delivery of a release, you can add the feature as a tracked item in the delivery.

Register Tracked Item Task

A Register Tracked Items task is an automatic task that registers one or more tracked items to a running delivery.

Release Activity Logs

This topic describes the activity log in Release, which records all events that occur in a release, providing an audit trail of user actions along with dates and times.

Release Audit Report

This topic covers the audit report in Release, which provides full traceability and auditability for auditors. You can generate an audit report for releases that are in progress, completed, or archived.

Release Dashboard Tiles

The release dashboard tiles topic provides you with an overview of your planning information with the help of graphical representations. The release dashboard can be customized as per your requirement by adding, configuring, moving, and removing tiles to show the planning information and details about the release status.

Release Flow Editor

The release flow editor shows the phases and tasks in the release. You can use this view to add, move, edit, and delete phases and tasks.

Release Lifecycle

This topic explains the different stages and states a release goes through during its lifecycle in Release.

Release Overview

The release overview shows the list of releases that you have permission to view and that are planned, active (including releases that are in progress, paused, failing, or failed), or completed (including aborted).

Release Planner

The Release planner view provides an interactive Gantt chart to view and edit the duration of the phases and tasks in a release or template. The Gantt chart is a combined timeline of the template or release, its phases, and the tasks within.

Release Properties

This topic covers Release properties, which are configurable attributes that influence the behavior and execution of a release.

Release Table View

The Release table view provides an alternative view of a template or release that is optimized for working with tasks.

Release Teams and Permissions

This topic explains the structure of users, roles, and permissions in Release, focusing on how they ensure secure and efficient access control.

Release Templates

In Release, templates are like blueprints for releases. You can use templates to model the ideal process of a release flow. A template can describe a procedure that is used to deliver different applications, or it can describe a procedure that is used to release a particular application and that will be reused for different versions of the application.

Release Value Stream Dashboard

This topic describes the Release value stream report, which focuses on the quality of completed and aborted releases. The data for this report is sourced from the archive database, meaning releases that are completed or aborted but not yet archived will not be included in the report. For more information, see completed and aborted and

Release Value Stream Report

This topic provides information on the Release value stream report, which evaluates the quality of completed and aborted releases. The report draws data from the Release archive database, so it does not include releases that are completed or aborted but not yet archived. For more information, see completed and aborted and archive database.

Release Views

The Release user interface includes multiple release planning and management views to accommodate all of the types of users that participate in the release process:


This topic describes how release reports display graphs and statistics based on historical release data.

Reports Dashboard

This topic provides key information on flagged releases and highlights those with the highest level of automation.

Restart a Phase in an Active Release

In an active release, you can abort the current phase and restart the execution from any past phase. This can be required if some parts of the release procedure must be repeated. For example, QA rejects a version of the application for release and the test phase must be repeated with an updated version.

Risk Awareness

Release calculates a risk level for each release based on different factors such as flags, failed or failing states, or due dates. You can see the releases with a high risk level and take the appropriate actions.

Schedule Releases

In Release, you can schedule your releases by setting start dates and times, end dates and times, and durations on templates, releases, phases, and tasks. When you set dates and durations on phases and tasks, Release automatically adjusts other phases and calculates the release duration and end date.

Set up Workflows for Onboarding Applications

Workflows are a combination of tasks that can be executed in an interactive session, with pre-built best practices. Once you have this setup in place, all you would be doing is to select the workflows from the self-service catalog and execute them in step-by-step view to interactively setup applications in Argo CD and Deploy.

Start a Release From a Template

This topic describes how to create a release from a template using various methods and the steps required before starting the release.


Triggers allow you to set the conditions for an event to create an action, such as a release task.

Using an Existing PostgreSQL Database

If you plan to use an existing database—one that is not created by default by the Operator-based installer—you must configure the relevant database parameters in the dairelease_cr.yaml file.

Using the Release Dashboard

The release dashboard is a customizable view where you can add, configure, move, and remove tiles that show planning information and details about release status.

Variable Usage Example

This topic shows an example of a template that deploys an application to a test environment and assigns testing to QA. When testing succeeds, Release sends an email notification. If the testing fails, it tries again with the next version of the application.


When creating release templates, you will create tasks that contain information that varies based on the release. For example, you can have one generic release template that is used for the release process of several applications. Different releases based on this template will require different application names.

View the Live Status of Deployed Applications

Note: Live Status of Deployed Applications is a feature in Tech Preview—released in Release 22.3—enabled by default. You must disable this feature (using the feature flag) if you do not want to use it.

Wait for Stage Task

A Wait For Stage task is an automatic task that makes the running release wait for a stage to be completed on a running delivery before proceeding.

Wait for Tracked Item Task

A Wait For Tracked Items task is an automatic task that waits for items to exist or be completed in a stage on a running delivery.

Work With Phases and Tasks

In Release, phases in a template or release represent blocks of activities that occur in succession. Activities in a template or release are modeled as tasks, which are logically grouped in phases. You can use the release flow editor to manage phases and tasks.