๐๏ธ Deploy to Amazon EKS
Here's a video walk-through.
๐๏ธ Continuous Delivery Using Release and Argo CD
Before You Begin
๐๏ธ Progressive Delivery Using Release and Argo Rollouts
Before You Begin
๐๏ธ Enable Application Security using OPA
Before you begin
๐๏ธ Blue/Green Deployment
This guide explains how to perform "Blue/Green" deployments using Release and Deploy.
๐๏ธ Canary Deployment
This guide explains how to perform the [Canary Release deployment pattern using Release and Deploy.
๐๏ธ Deployment Rollbacks
Handling failures is a key part of administering deployments. Digital.ai Release and Digital.ai Deploy offer key features to ensure that you can always reach a known state.