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Version: Release 23.1

Install or Upgrade—Deploy or Release—On Azure AKS


Important: If you want to enable the TLS protocol in your cluster, you must have the TLS secret created in the namespace before you start the installation or upgrade. This means that you must create the namespace first, create the TLS secret in that namesapce, and use the same namespace and TLS secret during the installation or upgrade of Deploy or Release.

The xl kube install and xl kube upgrade wizards let you go with the default (latest) docker image tags available when you install or upgrade Deploy or Release. However, here are the Docker Hub links to verify all the the available image tags.

Step 1—Prepare for Installation

You must set up your system for installation, which include installing the kubectl, the required CLIs, and so on.

Install and Configure the kubectl, XL CLI, Azure CLI, and yq


Step 2—Set up the Azure AKS Cluster

This step involves tasks such as setting up the resource group, creating a TLS private key, creating the AKS cluster and connecting to it, creating Azure File and Azure Disk storage classes, and setting up the domain name.

Note: The instructions to set up the cluster are indicative of the process. You may have to keep abreast of the latest developments with regards to the cloud platform you work with and set up the cluster to suit your requirements.

Create the Resource Group

Run the az group create command to create a resource group. Here's an example.

❯ az group create --name xld-operator-group --location germanywestcentral
"id": "/subscriptions/.../resourceGroups/xld-operator-group",
"location": "germanywestcentral",
"managedBy": null,
"name": "xld-operator-group",
"properties": {
"provisioningState": "Succeeded"
"tags": null,
"type": "Microsoft.Resources/resourceGroups"

Create TLS Public and Private Keys

Run the ssh-keygen command to generate the public and private keys. Here's an example.

ssh-keygen -f ssh-key-xld-operator-cluster -N "" -m pem

Use the use public file public key when you create your Azure AKS cluster.

Create the Azure AKS cluster.

Run the az aks create command to create the AKS cluster. Here's an example with the TLS key added to it.

❯ az aks create --resource-group xld-operator-group  --name xld-operator-cluster --node-count 1 --enable-addons monitoring --ssh-key-value

Here's the example output for the above command:

AAD role propagation done[############################################]  100.0000%{
"aadProfile": null,
"sku": {
"name": "Basic",
"tier": "Free"
"tags": null,
"type": "Microsoft.ContainerService/ManagedClusters",
"windowsProfile": null

For more information, see Deploy an Azure Kubernetes Service cluster using the Azure CLI.

Connect to the Cluster

Run the az aks get-credentials command to connect to the cluster.

Here's an example.

❯ az aks get-credentials --resource-group xld-operator-group --name xld-operator-cluster
Merged "xld-operator-cluster" as current context in /Users/johndoe/.kube/config

Verify the Cluster Nodes

❯ kubectl get node

Create the Storage Classes

  1. Verify the default storage classes.

    kubectl get storageclass
  2. Create two new storage classes—azurefile and azuredisk—using the and provisioners. Here are the two example yaml files for creating these two storage classes.


    kind: StorageClass
    name: xld-operator-azurefile
    - dir_mode=0777
    - file_mode=0777
    - uid=0
    - gid=0
    - mfsymlinks
    - cache=strict
    - actimeo=30
    skuName: Standard_LRS


    kind: StorageClass
    name: xld-operator-azuredisk
    reclaimPolicy: Delete
    volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer
    storageaccounttype: Standard_LRS
  3. Apply these yaml files.

    ❯ kubectl apply -f azure-file-sc.yaml created

    ❯ kubectl apply -f azure-disk-sc.yaml created
  4. Set the default storage class.

    ❯ kubectl patch storageclass xld-operator-azurefile -p '{"metadata": {"annotations":{"":"true"}}}' patched

    ❯ kubectl patch storageclass default -p '{"metadata": {"annotations":{"":"false"}}}' patched
  5. Update all occurrences of storageClass spec in the CRD to xxx-operator-azurefile value with the following PostgreSQL specs as exceptions, which would use the xxx-operator-azuredisk storage class.

Set up the Domain Name

Set up the Azure DNS with your fully qualified domain name. See Apply a DNS label to the service.

Step 3—Install Deploy or Release

  1. Run the xl kube install command. For more information about flags to skip prompts, enable additional logging, and so on, see xl kube install Command Reference.
  2. Answer the questions in the installation wizard.
  3. When prompted, select Azure AKS as the Kubernetes setup where the Devops Platform will be installed. For more information, see Installation Wizard for Release.
  4. Complete the installation.
  5. Log on to the Deploy or Release server and verify the installation.

Upgrade Deploy or Release on Azure AKS

The following upgrade scenarios are supported:

  • Upgrading existing sites that were created using Helm Charts
  • Upgrading existing sites that were created using Operator

Backup and Restore

  • Before you upgrade existing Deploy or Release sites using the Operator-based installer, you must back up your volumes, databases, and file systems so that you can revert to the earlier state in case of upgrade failures.
  • Back up your data according to your organization's backup policies.
  • For more information, see AWS Backup.

Upgrade Release

  1. Run the xl kube upgrade command. For more information about flags to skip prompts, enable additional logging, and so on, see xl kube upgrade command reference
  2. Answer the questions in the upgrade wizard.
  3. When prompted, select AWS EKS as the Kubernetes setup where the Devops Platform will be upgraded. For more information, see Upgrade Wizard for Release.
  4. Complete the upgrade.
  5. Log on to the Deploy or Release server and verify the installation.