Transaction Report
Transaction Report Screen
You can see all the graphs synchronized with the video.
View HAR File
To view a HAR file attached, click the hamburger icon, then click View HAR file.
The HAR file can be viewed using a HAR file viewer. You can use the viewer here.
The purpose of this tool is to visualize the HTTP Archive (HAR) log files created by HTTP tracking tools.
These files contain a log of HTTP client/server conversation and can be used for additional analyses, for example, page load performance.
Basic Usage
The Preview tab in the HAR file viewer shows the list of HTTP requests recorded with all its basic details like:
- method
- response status
- response (compressed and uncompressed)
- response time
To see further details, click the applicable plus icon.
To inspect the raw values, click the HAR tab. The values are displayed in a JSON tree.