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Application Crash Reporting

You can attach Device crash reports to the test report for future analysis.

This is supported in:

  • SeeTest Grid
  • Appium Grid
  • Appium OSS

To enable the feature, do one of the following:

  • To set it in Appium, set the attachCrashLogToReport capability to true.

    dc.setCapability("attachCrashLogToReport", true);
  • To set is in the Cloud:

    1. Click Settings → Projects.

    2. Select the project, then click → Manage → Preferences.

    3. Under Automation click Automation Type.

    4. Make sure Use Appium Grid is selected.

    5. Click Add.

    6. Under Property Name enter

    7. Under Property Value enter True.

    8. Click Save (


  • The new crash log is created during the test session.
  • When collecting crash logs, the collect.crash.log tag in the reporter is set to True.
  • If there is a crash, test property "appCrashed" is set to True, otherwise it is False. 
  • In Android, if there is no crash, device_crash.log is not uploaded.
  • In iOS, even if there is no crash, the crash zip file is uploaded. If there is a crash, the zip file includes an IPS file.

The device crash log is attached with the other attachment files.


The crash log file name depends on the OS.

  • Android: device_crash.log.
  • iOS: