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Instrumenting Android Applications

  • Version downgrade is allowed on debuggable packages only.

  • In some cases, manual instrumentation is required, if the automatic process does not work.

  • Instrumenting Android Watch applications is not supported.


  • The application must have network access permission. If it doesn't, add this permission to your application manifest file:
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>

  • Android's third-party libraries must not be obfuscated, particularly: 
    - Android support libraries; .
    - Chromium Webview
    - Cordova Webview

    Mobile Studio uses these libraries to provide properties for identification when building your automated tests in Instrumented mode. If you obfuscate these libraries, you cannot use the automation features and support that Continuous Testing offers working with these libraries, such as retrieving web dumps from chromium or Cordova web views or scrolling a Recycler view. 

Instrumentation Process

  1. Click Applications.

  2. Click Upload.


    You can upload the app as well using the Applications Rest API.  This allows you to sign using a custom signing keystore instead of the default debug keystore used by Mobile Studio.


  3. Upload the app with the desired capabilities.

  4. Go to Devices and open an android device in automation.

  5. Install the app as instrumented.

  6. Launch the app as instrumented.

  7. After launching the instrumented application, click the Automation button and click 'Refresh Dump' button to identify the application's Native objects.