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Why can't I edit Sprint or Iteration Details?

I'm a Project Admin and I need to change my sprint name, but I can't edit the sprint details. Shouldn't I be able to edit everything associated with my project?


Sprints are considered system assets and your Admin Privileges role determines whether or not you can edit them. To edit sprint details, both your Admin Privileges role and your Project Role must be set as follows:

  • Admin Privileges Role must be set to "Project Lead" or higher.
  • Project Role should be set to "Team Member" or higher.

How to Fix It

  1. Click your avatar on the top right corner of any page followed by My Details.
  2. Change the Admin Privileges role to "Project Lead" or higher.
  3. For the project, change the Project Role to "Inheritor" or higher. Note that this role change only applies to the selected project and any child projects with inherited roles.
