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Query for recent updates

This topic explains how to query for recent updates in Agility.


I would like to find all the stories that have been updated in the last 10 days. How can I query for this data?


Solution: Use query.v1 to report on Stories

This endpoint was introduced in 13.2, Summer 2013. Please view the About Digital.aiAgility information from the help icon in the menu bar to see if you are on this release or later.

The following uses the query.v1 endpoint to obtain Story that were modified after a specific date. The same can be accomplished using the rest-1.v1/Data endpoint.

Getting Started

  1. Have an HTTP Client.
  2. Obtain an API token.


For this solution, we use Story as the from parameter. We select for Name and Number. In addition, we have ChangeDate to confirm the filter. The filter parameter restricts the set to those after the specified date. The query syntax does not have a way to ask for today - 10 days so that should be computed on the client side as part of constructing the query.

from: Story
   - Name
   ​- Number
   ​- ChangeDate
   - ChangeDate>'2013-12-01T00:00:00.0000000Z'

In order to execute the query, submit an HTTP POST with the query as the body to query.v1.

Sample code