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Version: 24.3

API/ProjectRoles Endpoint

The project role endpoint is an endpoint that provides the capability to query project member information. There are two ways to use the endpoint, either by project or by member.

The Story

As a Agility administrator, I need a way to automate project member access so that I can reduce time investigating who the project admin is on a project. Currently I have a SharePoint site that a member fills out to request access to a project. I then have to log in to Agility and research who the project admin is. Then I have to email that project admin with the member information of who is asking. The project admin will then evaluate if that member needs access or not to the project. With 2,000 members this becomes a never ending task with project evolution.

The Solution

With the introduction of the project member endpoint a form that resides on SharePoint in this case could programmatically access who the members are on a project and their roles. The member's email address is also returned which can then be used to alert the project admin of the request with the information provided. The project member endpoint uses RAML and you can simply hit

\<Server Base URI\>/API/ProjectRoles 

to find out the capabilities of the endpoint and information that can be queried.