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Version: 25.0

Attribute Types

Attribute TypeData TypeValue Type?Description
BooleanbooleanYestrue or false
NumericdoubleYesfloating point number
DatedatetimeYesdate and possibly time
DurationstringYesa string with syntax N UnitType where N is an integer and UnitType is Days, Weeks, or Months
TextstringYesstring limited to 4000 characters
LongTextstringYesString limited by database. Often contains html or rich text.
PasswordstringYesA string that represents the password for a login. A password attribute type is write-only. It can never be retrieved.
RelationOidNoa relationship to another asset
RankRankNoAn arbitrary object that represents one rank object relative to another
AssetTypeAssetTypeNothe name or token of an asset type
OpaqueOpaqueNoAn internal value that has no external meaning.
StateintegerNoA number that corresponds to an internal asset state of an asset.
BlobBlobNoA stream of binary data such as the content of an Attachment asset.

List of Attribute Types

Platform concepts