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Tracking and Updating Tests on the Testboard

This article explains how to track and update tests on Testboard.


Test Cards appear in appropriate status columns on the board (e.g., In Progress, Passed, Failed) and show the test title, owner, and total work estimate. Test cards are color-coded by test type (i.e., Method, Type, Manual, Automated) to give you an at-a-glance look at the testing across project work functions. Click the Legend button at top right of the board to see the color representation or to customize the color-coding scheme by test type.


  1. Click the hamburger menu Hamburger iconSprint > Testboard.

    • Select the project for which you want to review team summaries from the project tree at the top.
    • Select the sprint you want to track from the Sprint drop-down list.
    • Select the team you want to track from the Team drop-down list.
  2. Open the Filter drop-down menu and select a filtering option to focus on a subset of backlog items (i.e., view by Backlog Group, Portfolio Items, Owner, Status, Priority, Backlog Item, Defect, or closed items). To focus only on tests assigned to an individual owner, select the owner name in the Highlight Owner field at the top of the board. This action fades out all tasks not assigned to the highlighted owner so you can see how the task owner fits into the overall project or sprint picture (as opposed to selecting Owner from the Filter drop-down, which isolates the view to show only that owner's tasks, removing all others from the board).

  3. Hover over any Test Card title to see a detailed description of the test. To update a test, click the vertical ellipsis icon at the top right corner of the card and select the appropriate action. To indicate a change of test status, click and drag the Test Card to the appropriate status column in that row.

  4. As work progresses, enter Detail Effort and update the remaining To Do estimate for each test by clicking the vertical ellipsis icon at the top right corner of the card followed by Edit.