Importing Backlog Items, Defects, and Other Data from Microsoft Excel
This article explains how to import Backlog Items, Defects and other data from Microsoft excel into Agility.
This article provides instructions on how to bulk import data into Agility from a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
Ensure that you do not include blank spaces for any of the multi-select list fields in the downloaded template. If you include blank space for any of these fields, Agility might prompt you with an incorrect warning message.
Downloading the Import Template
To ensure that your data is properly formatted, start with one of our import templates. These templates are pre-configured with the correct column names for the most commonly used attributes.
Click the hamburger icon
> Product > Import.
Click on the Download Basic Microsoft Excel Template or Download Advanced Microsoft Excel Template button, and select one of the following templates:
- Basic Microsoft Excel Template
- Advanced Microsoft Excel Template
Save the file to your computer.
- The import file must be saved in a Microsoft Excel 97-2003 (or higher) workbook with the .xls file extension.
Populating the Import Template
Although the import templates include the default column structure and system names for many common assets and attributes, you can add data beyond what is available in the templates by following these specifications.
The import templates contain helpful comments in the column header fields. To see them, hover your mouse over any cell with a red comment indicator in the corner. The required fields are highlighted in red text.
Note: Microsoft Excel installation is required to be able to use the Microsoft Excel Import process.
Formatting the Microsoft Excel Worksheet
- First Column Title
- Remaining Column Titles
Column Cells
- Line Breaks Within a Cell
- Unique Values
Worksheets (or Tabs)
- Each worksheet in the workbook should correspond to a separate asset.
- Worksheets are processed in alphabetical order by worksheet name.
- You can reference assets in other worksheets in the same file. For example, to create a project and backlog items within the project, add the project in the first worksheet, and then add the backlog items in the project in the second worksheet.
Additional Attributes
- Entering Multiple Values for an attribute
To enter multiple values (e.g., multiple owners) in a cell, insert a duplicate column with the same title. To add two owners to a task, for example, add a second column called "Owners" to the "Task" worksheet in the template.
- Adding Owners
Use any of these attributes to specify an owner or owners for workitems. Enter one value per column. Values are matched according to the hierarchy below.
- Name
- Short Name
- Username
- Adding fields not in the template
You can add fields that are not in the template by adding a new column for each field you want to add. The column title should be the same as the system name for the field. You can run a meta query to discover the system name for a field or ask your system administrator to do so.
- Adding Custom Fields
You can also add custom fields to the template by adding a new column for each field you want to add. Ask your system administrator to look up the corresponding Agility system name for each custom field you would like to add. The column name should be the same as the system name for the custom field. You can also run a meta query to discover the system name for a custom field.
- Adding Checkbox values
Enter "TRUE" for checked or "FALSE" for not checked as the value.
- Deleting Columns
To remove the columns you don't want to import, simply delete them from the worksheet. You can also leave empty columns in the worksheet with no adverse effects.
Import Limits
To maintain data integrity, each import file is processed in a single transaction. For this reason, we recommend limiting your import to 500 items per import file.
Importing Your Backlog from the Microsoft Excel Template
Click the hamburger icon
> Product > Import.
Click the Upload A Completed Microsoft Excel Template File button
Click Choose File to select your import file.
Click the Import button.
- The data is validated to ensure that the import file does not contain errors. If so, you will be prompted to fix the errors and retry the import.
If the import was successful, navigate to your backlog to review and fill in any missing information.
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How to Import story or defect status when Team Process is in place – The EASY way
Importing File Column Titles by Asset Type