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Version: TeamForge 24.1

Set up Git Replica Servers

Set up a Git Replica Server

  • A Git Replica Server has one and only one master Git server.
  • It's not possible to set up both Git master and slave on the same server. However, you can have multiple master and slave servers in your TeamForge environment.
  • Git replication servers can be set up with TeamForge 8.1 or later only.

You can have your master Git integration server installed on the TeamForge Application Server or on a separate server dedicated to Git/SCM integration.

TeamForge and Git (master) on the Same Server

TeamForge and Git (master) on Separate Servers

Before You Begin
  • Make sure you have upgraded your Git integration to TeamForge-Git v8.4.6 or later.

  • Have the master Git integration server's externalSystemId handy.

    Open the /opt/collabnet/gerrit/etc/gerrit.config file on the master Git integration server and note down the externalSystemId from the [teamforge] section.

    Alternatively, log on to the TeamForge Application Server as a Site Administrator, click Admin > Integrations > SCM Integrations, select the master Git integration server, click Edit and look for a token such as exsy####, for example exsy1002, in the browser URL. This is the external system ID of your Git integration server.

  • Open the TeamForge Application Server's site-options.conf file and keep the values of the following tokens handy.


    Note down the values of the following tokens if and only if obfuscation is enabled (OBFUSCATION_ENABLED=true):

  • Note down the value of the AUTO_DATA token.

  1. Install Red Hat Enterprise Linux/CentOS RHEL 8.10 and log on as root. The host must be registered with the Red Hat Network if you are using Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
    See the Red Hat Installation Guide for help.

  2. Check your basic networking setup. See Set up Networking for more information.

  3. Upgrade the operating system packages.

    yum upgrade
  4. Reboot the server.

  5. Install the Git packages.

    yum install teamforge-git
  6. Set up the site-options.conf tokens for the Git Replica Server.

    vi /opt/collabnet/teamforge/etc/site-options.conf

    It is assumed that: is the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of your TeamForge Application Server. is the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of your Git Integration Server. is the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of your Git Replica Server.

    1. Set up the SERVICES tokens. gerrit-database ctfcore-database ctfcore-datamart etl search subversion binary binary-database

      Make sure you do not have the gerrit gerrit-database services to the token in the /opt/collabnet/teamforge/etc/site-options.conf file of the Git replica server.

    2. Turn on the SSL for your site by editing the relevant variables in the site-options.conf file. To generate the SSL certificates, see Generate SSL certificates.

      • The SSL_CHAIN_FILE is optional.
      • If you use certificates that are generated in-house, self-signed, or signed by a non-established Certificate Authority, they must be registered with each client system that will connect to the TeamForge server.
      • For the setup discussed in this topic, add the certificate of to the JVM of and In addition, add the certificate of to the JVM of [Click here][sslforintegrations] for more information.
    3. Set the gerrit replication server mode.

    4. Set the external system ID of the master Git integration server.

    5. Set the obfuscation related tokens.

    6. Save the site-options.conf file.

  7. Provision services.

    teamforge provision

Now, the gerrit service is running in replica mode. You can now find the newly created Git Replica Server listed on TeamForge Application Server by accessing the following url: http://<TF_HOST>/sf/sfmain/do/listSystems.

Once you have set up one or more Git Replica Servers, you can replicate repositories.

Upgrade Git Replica Servers


When upgrading TeamForge-Git integration servers, it is important that Git master and slave servers are upgraded to the same version of TeamForge-Git integration. On sites with Git Replica Servers, you must upgrade the Git Replica Servers first and then upgrade the master Git servers. For more information about upgrading master Git servers, see TeamForge upgrade instructions.

To upgrade existing Git Replica Servers:

  1. Log on to the Git Replica Server and move the existing TeamForge repository from /etc/yum.repos.d.

  2. Remove the collabnet-teamforge-internal-repo.rpm.

    yum erase collabnet-teamforge-internal-repo rpm
  1. Refresh your repository cache.

    yum clean all
  2. Upgrade the Git packages.

    yum install teamforge-git
  3. Provision services.

    teamforge provision

Replicate Repositories with Git Replica Servers

It is assumed that you already have one or more Teamforge projects that consists of one or more Git repositories that you want to replicate.

  1. To start replicating a repository--go to the TeamForge project--select the Git repository you want to replicate, select the Settings tab and then select the Replicas tab.

    This page lists the available Git Replica Servers.

  2. From the list of Replica Servers, click the Add button of one or more Replica Servers to have the server(s) replicate the selected repository.

  3. Click Save.

  4. Push a commit and verify if it's replicated on the Replica Servers.

Remove a Git Replica Server

  1. Go to Admin > Integrations, select the Git replica server, and click Delete.

    This removes the replica server configured for the Git repositories from the UI.

Re-add a Git Replica Server

  1. To add the git replica server again, you must remove the server from UI by clicking Delete from Admin > Integrations page.

  2. Comment out or remove the slave section of the /opt/collabnet/gerrit/etc/gerrit.config file.

          [plugin "teamforge-slave"]
    metricsPrefix = teamforge
    allowGroup = Administrators
    replicaId = replica1001
  3. Provision TeamForge services.

    teamforge provision

    The re-added replica server has no repositories configured for replication. You must configure repository replication again for the repositories you want. For more information, see Replicate Repositories with Git Replica Servers.