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Version: Early Access

Release Executive Overview Dashboard


The Release Executive Overview dashboard provides a high-level overview of all releases across the organization along with the key metrics and parameters that influence decision making. Using this dashboard, a Release Manager can review the release execution for all releases or individual release, perform a comparative completion analysis across the releases, and can do a deep dive in the execution details of individual release. Using this dashboard, you can also understand the performance of individual release owners or teams with respect to releases and take measures to help improve a team's success rate.

As a Release Manager, you can use this dashboard to investigate the below insights:

  • What is the operational efficiency of releases and which of these releases require immediate attention?
  • In large releases, you can closely monitor progress to ensure tasks are completed on time and the release as a whole is completed within the allotted time frame.
  • Reduce the manual coordination between teams, release managers upon the release progress discussions

The data displayed in this dashboard pertains to the last 12 months and includes active and archived releases. The default time frame can be modified to suit your business requirement.

The filters in the dashboard enable you to drill down further using specific Release Name, Release Folder, Release Owner, Release Tag, the Lagging Count of Months, and the Projected Planned Start and End Date. The dashboard supports a single level of hierarchy in case of filtering results based on Folders.

The Release Executive Overview dashboard consists of KPIs, and Release, Task Group and Task panels.


  • Release Duration (Days): The average of actual time taken for release from start to complete.
  • Failed Tasks %: The percentage of tasks whose status is Failed at release level.
  • Flagged Tasks %: The percentage of tasks whose Release Task Flag status is either in At Risk or Attention Needed at release level.
  • Late Tasks %: The percentage of late tasks over the total number of release tasks.

Based on the KPIs selected from the dashboard, the Release, Task Group and Task panels displays the relevant release execution details respectively.

Using the Release Executive Overview dashboard, you can drill down the release related details, analyze and compare the trend for the last 12 months.

Release Duration (Days)

Helps you understand more about the release details with respect to the Release Duration.


The Release panel provides an overall view of releases with respect to the Release Duration. You can view the Actual Release Duration Trend and can drill down to the release according to Highest, Lowest, Highest%, and Lowest% of release duration.

The Release panel consists of the following sections:

  • Releases by filtered set of Release Duration - The Releases by filtered set of Release Duration section displays the release details such as Release Name, Owner, Description, Status, Risk Score, Actual Duration in days, Failed Task percentage, Flagged Task percentage and the Late Task percentage associated with the release.
  • Actual Duration Trend - The Actual Duration Trend section displays a bar graph that represents the release duration trend. The X-axis represents the calendar month and the Y-axis represents the count of days (Actual Duration). You can hover over the bar graph to get details of the release actual duration in days of a specific month. The Actual Duration Trend section is driven by the Releases by filtered set of Release Duration section.
  • Release Task Details - The Release Task Details section provides the summary such as the Release Task Name, Description, Status, Release Name, Actual Duration and the Planned Duration in days associated with the selection made in the Releases by filtered set of Release Duration section. The Release Task Details Grid section is driven by the Releases by filtered set of Release Duration section.

Task Group

The Task Group panel provides an overall view of release tasks with respect to the Release task Duration. You can view the last 12 months Release Task Duration Trend and can drill down to the release tasks associated with Task Plugin Sources.

The Task Group panel consists of the following sections:

  • Task Plugin Sources by Release Task Duration - The Task Plugin Sources by Release Task Duration section displays the details such as Task Plugin Source, Group Task type, Release Task Duration in days, Failed Task percentage, Flagged Task percentage, Late Task percentage, Number of Failed Tasks, Number of Flagged Tasks, and the Number of Late Task associated with the Task Plugin Source for the last 12 months. You can select individual Task plug in source to view the release task duration trend and the associated release task details.
  • Release Task Duration Trend - The Release Task Duration Trend section displays a bar graph that represents the last 12 months release task duration trend. The X-axis represents the calendar month and the Y-axis represents the count of days (Actual Duration). The data in the Release Task Duration Trend section is driven by the Task Plugin Sources by Release Task Duration section. You can hover over the bar graph to get details of the release actual task duration in days of a specific month.
  • Release Task Details - The Release Task Details Grid provides the summary such as the Release Task Name, Description, Release Name, Actual Duration and the Planned Duration in days associated with the selection made in the Task Plugin Sources. The Release Task Details section is driven by the 'Task Plugin Sources by Release Task Duration' section.


The Task panel provides an overall view of release tasks details with respect to the Release task Duration. You can view the last 12 months Release Task details according to the selection made in the Release Task Duration.

The Task Group panel consists of the following sections:

  • Tasks by Release Task Duration - The Tasks by Release Task Duration section displays the release task details such as Release Task Name, Description, Release Name, Status, Flagged Status, Late Task Flag, Actual Duration, and the Planned Duration.

Failed Tasks %

Helps you understand more about the release details with respect to the Failed Task percentage.


The Release panel provides an overall view of releases with respect to the Failed Task %. You can drill down to the release or release task level details with respect to Failed Task % filter such as Highest, Lowest, Highest%, and Lowest% of Failed Task % and compare the Failed Task % trend for last 12 months.

For the Failed Task %, the Release panel consists of the following sections:

  • Release by selected set of Longest Release Duration - The Releases by selected set of Longest Release Duration section displays the release details such as Release Name, Owner, Description, Status, Risk Score, Actual Duration in days, Failed Task %, Flagged Task % and the Late Task% associated with the release.
  • Failed Tasks % Trend - The Failed Task % Trend section displays a bar graph that represents trend of last 12 months. The X-axis represents the calendar month and the Y-axis represents the percentage of Failed Tasks. The data in this section is driven by the Releases by selected set of Longest Release Duration. You can hover over the bar graph to get details of the Failed Task percentage for a specific month.
  • Release Task Details - The Release Task Details section provides the summary such as the Release Task Name, Description, Status, Release Name, Actual Duration and the Planned Duration in days. The Release Task Details Grid section is driven by the 'Releases by selected set of Longest Release Duration' section.

Task Group

The Task Group panel provides an overall view of Failed Release tasks with respect to the Failed Task % KPI. You can view the last 12 months Failed Task % Trend and can drill down to the failed release tasks data associated with Task Plugin Source.

The Task Group panel of Failed Task % consists of the following sections:

  • Task Plugin Group by selected set of Failed Task % - The Task Plugin Sources by selected set of Failed Task % section displays the release task details such as Task Plugin Source, Group Task type, Release Task Duration in days, Failed Task percentage, Flagged Task percentage, Late Task percentage, Number of Failed Tasks, Number of Flagged Tasks, and the Number of Late Task associated with the Task Plugin Source for the last 12 months. You can select individual Task plug in source to view the failed task % trend and associated release task details.
  • Failed Task % Trend - The Failed Task % Trend section displays a bar graph that represents trend of last 12 months. The X-axis represents the calendar month and the Y-axis represents the percentage of Failed Tasks. The data in this section is driven by the Task Plugin Sources by selected set of Failed Task %. You can hover over the bar graph to get details of the Failed Task % for a specific month.
  • Release Task Details - The Release Task Details Grid provides the summary the Release Task Name, Description, Status, Release Name, Actual Duration, and the Planned Duration in days. The Release Task Details section is driven by the Task Plugin Sources by selected set of Failed Task %.


The Task panel provides an overall view of release tasks with respect to the Release task Duration. You can drill down to the Failed Task details and view the last 12 months of data.

The Task panel consists of the following sections:

  • Tasks by selected set of Failed Task % - The Tasks by selected set of Failed Task % section displays the release task details such as Release Task Name, Description, Release Name, Status, Flagged Status, Late Task Flag, Actual Duration and the Planned Duration.

Flagged Tasks %

Helps you understand more about the release details with respect to the Flagged Task percentage.


The Release panel provides an overall view of releases with respect to the Flagged Task %. You can drill down to the release or release task level details with respect to Flagged Task % filter such as Highest, Lowest, Highest%, and Lowest% of Flagged Task % and compare the Flagged Task % trend for last 12 months.

For the Flagged Task %, the Release panel consists of the following sections:

  • Releases by selected set of Release Duration - The Releases by selected set of Release Duration section displays the release details such as Release Name, Owner, Description, Status, Risk Score, Actual Duration in days, Failed Task percentage, Flagged Task percentage and the Late Task percentage associated with the release.
  • Flagged Task % Trend - The Flagged Task % Trend section displays a bar graph that represents trend of last 12 months. The X-axis represents the calendar month and the Y-axis represents the percentage of Flagged Tasks. The data in this section is driven by the Releases by selected set of Release Duration. You can hover over the bar graph to get details of the Flagged Task % for a specific month.
  • Release Task Details - The Release Task Details section provides the summary such as the Release Task Name, Description, Status, Release Name, Actual Duration, and the Planned Duration in days. The Release Task Details section is driven by the 'Releases by selected set of Release Duration' section.

Task Group

The Task Group panel provides an overall view of Flagged Release tasks with respect to the Flagged Task % KPI. You can view the last 12 months Flagged Task % Trend and can drill down to the flagged release tasks data associated with Task Plugin Source.

The Task Group panel of Flagged Tasks % consists of the following sections:

  • Task Plugin Sources by selected set of Flagged Task % - The Task Plugin Sources by selected set of Flagged Task % displays details such as Task Plugin Source, Group Task type, Release Task Duration in days, Failed Task percentage, Flagged Task percentage, Late Task percentage, Number of Failed Tasks, Number of Flagged Tasks, and Number of Late Tasks associated with the Task Plugin Source for the last 12 months. You can select individual Task plug in source to view the flagged task % trend and the associated release task details.
  • Flagged Tasks % Trend - The Flagged Tasks % Trend section displays a bar graph that represents trend of last 12 months. The X-axis represents the calendar month and the Y-axis represents the percentage of Flagged Tasks. The data in this section is driven by the Task Plugin Sources by selected set of Flagged Task %. You can hover over the bar graph to get details of the Flagged Task % for a specific month.
  • Release Task Details - The Release Task Details Grid provides the summary such as the Release Task Name, Description, Status, Release Name, Actual Duration, and the Planned Duration in days. The Release Task Details section is driven by the Task Plugin Sources by selected set of Flagged Task % section.


The Task panel provides an overall view of release tasks with respect to the Flagged Task percentage. You can drill down to the Flagged Task details and view the last 12 months of data.

The Task panel consists of the following sections:

  • Tasks by selected set of Flagged Task % - The Tasks by selected set of Flagged Task % section displays the release task details such as Release Task Name, Description, Release Name, Status, Flagged Status, Late Task Flag, Actual Duration, and the Planned Duration for the last 12 months.

Late Tasks %

Helps you understand more about the release details with respect to the Late Task percentage.


The Release panel provides an overall view of releases with respect to the Late Task %. You can drill down to the release or release task level details with respect to Late Task % filter such as Highest, Lowest, Highest%, and Lowest% of Late Task percentage and compare the Late Task percentage trend for last 12 months.

For the Late Task %, the Release panel consists of the following sections:

  • Releases by selected Late Task % - The Releases by selected Late Task % section displays the release details such as Release Name, Owner, Description, Status, Risk Score, Actual Duration in days, Failed Task percentage, Flagged Task percentage, and Late Task percentage associated with the release.
  • Late Tasks % Trend - The Late Task % Trend section displays a bar graph that represents trend of last 12 months. The X-axis represents the calendar month and the Y-axis represents the percentage of Late Tasks. The data in this section is driven by the Releases by selected Late Task %. You can hover over the bar graph to get details of the Late Task percentage for a specific month.
  • Release Task Details - The Release Task Details section provides the summary such as Release Task Name, Description, Status, Release Name, Actual Duration, and the Planned Duration in days. The Release Task Details section is driven by the 'Releases by selected Late Task %' section.

Task Group

The Task Group panel provides an overall view of Late Release Tasks with respect to the 'Late Task %' KPI. You can view the last 12 months Late Task % Trend and can drill down to the late release tasks data associated with Task Plugin Source.

The Task Group panel of Late Task % consists of the following sections:

  • Task Plugin Sources by Late Tasks % - The Task Plugin Sources by Late Tasks % section displays the release task details such as Task Plugin Source, Group Task type, Release Task Duration in days, Failed Task percentage, Flagged Task percentage, and Late Task percentage for the last 12 months. You can select individual Task plug in source to view the late task % trend and associated release task details.
  • Late Task % Trend - The Late Task % Trend section displays a bar graph that represents trend of last 12 months. The X-axis represents the calendar month and the Y-axis represents the percentage of Late Tasks. The data in this section is driven by the Task Plugin Sources by Late Task percentage. You can hover over the bar graph to get details of the Late Task % for a specific month.
  • Release Task Details - The Release Task Details section provides the summary such as the Release Task Name, Description, Status, Release Name, Actual Duration, and the Planned Duration in days. The Release Task Details section is driven by the Task Plugin Sources by Late Task %.


The Task panel provides an overall view of release tasks with respect to the Late Task percentage. You can drill down to the Late Task details and view the last 12 months of data.

The Task panel consists of the following sections:

  • Tasks by Late Task % - The Tasks by Late Task % section displays the release task details such as Release Task Name, Description, Release Name, Late Task Flag, Status, Flagged Status, Actual Duration, and the Planned Duration for the last 12 months.

Objects used in this chapter

This section lists all the attributes and metrics that have been used to build the reports in this dashboard.

Attribute NameDescription
Release Calendar MonthRelease Gregorian calendar month displayed in the format 'Mon YYYY'
Release DescriptionThe description of the release
Release FolderName of the Folders within which Releases are Organized
Release Folder Level 1Release Folder at level 1
Release Lagging Count of MonthsCount of number of months since the first data record till current month (where current month is taken as 0)
Release NameTitle of a Release
Release OwnerThe owner of the of the release
Release Projected Planned End DateThe date on which the release is supposed to end. It is calculated projected dates using the duration specified
Release Projected Planned Start DateThe date on which the release is supposed to start. It is calculated projected dates using the duration specified
Release Risk ScoreRisk Score for a release
Release Status (Source)Current status of the Release (active or abandoned)
Release TagLabels or keywords associated with a Release
Release Task Calendar MonthRelease Task Gregorian calendar month displayed in the format
Release Task DescriptionThe description of the release task
Release Task Flag Status (Source)Flags indicate that release task needs attention
Release Task Lagging Count of MonthsCount of number of months since the first data record till current month (where current month is taken as 0)
Release Task Late FlagThe flags indicate that the release task needs attention
Release Task NameTitle of a Release task
Release Task Status (Source)The status the task is in for a release
Release Task Type Group Task (Source)Release Task Type Group Task Source Values
Task Plugin SourceTask type plugin source
Metric NameDescription
% of Failed Release TaskRatio of all tasks that are failed
% of Flagged Release TaskPercentage of tasks that required intermediate attention
% Late Release TasksPercentage of tasks which are late among all the tasks
Avg Release Actual Duration (Days)Actual time taken for release from start to complete
Avg Release Planned Duration (Days)Duration that is planned for the release
Avg Release Schedule Variance (Days)The schedule difference of the planned duration of the release against the actual duration of the release.
Avg Release Start Delay Duration (Days)It is the delay in starting release with respect to scheduled start of the release
Avg Release Task Actual Duration (Days)Average of the duration of all tasks where duration is the time between Actual start and actual end date of the task
Avg Release Task Planned Duration (Days)Average of the duration of all tasks where duration is the time between planned start and planned end date of the task
No of Failed Release TaskCount of Tasks that are failed
No of Flagged Release TaskCount of tasks that required immediate attention
Release Timeline Actual Duration Start XStarting position of Actual duration bar in timeline chart
Release Timeline Start XStarting position of timeline chart
Release Time line Total DurationRelease Time line Total Duration for Reference
Release Timeline Variance Start XStarting position of Variance duration bar in timeline chart