Ansible Automation Controller Plugin
The Ansible Automation Controller plugin is developed to integrate Ansible Automation Platform Controller API with Release. It acts as a bridge between Release, a comprehensive release orchestration solution, and Ansible Tower (Ansible Automation Platform Controller). It allows users to incorporate Ansible Tower tasks and playbooks directly into their release pipelines, ensuring smooth integration of infrastructure provisioning, configuration management, and application deployments.
The Connections page on the Ansible plugin allows users to securely access the plugin using both Basic Authentication and tokens generated from the Ansible Automation Platform. These authentication methods ensure a seamless integration with Release while maintaining robust security measures.
Tasks List
The plugin offers a range of tasks to:
- Get information using an Ansible Automation Controller API's endpoint
- Add or Remove a credential from a job template
- Inventory list
- Run job template
- Wait for a job template status (async)
- Run and wait for a job template to finish (sync)
Run a Job Template
Required Input properties are:
- A valid Ansible Automation Controller server
- Job template ID
Optional Input properties are:
- Extra_vars: A string that represents a JSON or YAML formatted dictionary (with escaped parentheses) which includes variables given by the user, including answers to survey questions.
- Is Workflow : Checks, if it's a workflow job template.
Results Example
Wait for Job Status (async)
Input properties are:
- Server: Ansible Automation Platform Controller Server to connect to.
- Username: Overwrites username if defined in the connection form.
- Password: Overwrites password if defined in the connection form.
- Api token: Overwrites API token if defined in the connection form.
- Max_retries: Defines maximum retries. The default value is infinity.
- Wait_interval (required): Defines the wait interval in seconds.
- Stop On Failure: If selected, it fails the task when the job fails.
- Is workflow: Checks if it's a workflow job template.
Results Example
Run and Wait for Job Status (sync)
This task parameters are a fusion of the two previous tasks.
Results Example
Get information from API Endpoint
- Endpoint example: /api/v2/me
Results Example
Get Inventory List
- Filter: Filters the inventory list. Empty to get the whole list. Example: ?page=1
Results Example
Add/Remove Credential from a Job Template
- Job template ID
- Credential id: ID of this credential.
- Remove: Checks, if you want to disassociate the credential from the job template.