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Version: Early Access

An Overview of Release Connections

Create connections to integrate Release with other third-party applications. In other words, creating connections is necessary for Release plugins to interact with third-party applications.

Global and Folder-level Connections

You can create connections both at the global and folder levels.

While global connections, as the name implies, are available to all folders, templates, and releases globally, folder-level connections are specific to the folder and its child folders, if any are available.

In a hierarchical file system, files and folders inherit the security settings of their parent folder. This means that any templates or releases stored in a folder will inherit the teams, permissions, and connections defined at the folder level and will not have individual settings. Additionally, a subfolder will inherit the settings of its parent folder, and so on.

When you create a child folder within a parent folder, the child folder will inherit the teams, permissions, and connections of the parent folder (the Inherit teams and permissions from parent folder check box of the Teams & Permissions page is selected by default). If you want the child folder to have different permissions, you will need to clear this check box. Then you can set the teams and permissions for the child folder independently. This way, you can control access to the content in the child folder differently from the parent folder.

Permissions Needed to Set up Connections

You must have the Admin permission to set up connections both at the global and folder levels.

You can restrict the ability of teams to set up connections at the folder level by assigning the Edit connections permission to the teams on a folder-by-folder basis. For more information, see Set up Folder-level Permissions.

Create Global Connections

  1. Log in to Release
  2. Select Connections from the sidebar
  3. Set up one or more connections for the integrations you need

These global connections are available to all folders, templates, and releases globally.

Create Folder-level Connections


See Configure Release Teams and Permissions to learn more about how folder, template, or release-level permissions can be assigned to one or more teams.

  1. Log in to Release
  2. Select Folders from the sidebar
  3. Select the folder you want to set up connections for
  4. Select Connections from the sidebar
  5. Set up one or more connections for the integrations you need

Now, these connections created in a specific folder are available to that specific folder (and sub-folders, if any exist) only. In other words, these folder-level connections are available to the templates and releases in that folder and also to the templates and releases in any new sub-folder that you may create.