Manage Test Run with Cucumber-jvm
How To Run Cucumber Test:
To run via Rest API:
Use same Manage Test Run with the API requests With Espresso/XCUITests for Android/iOS.
In the "app" field use your regular app apk file.
In the "testApp" field use the created cucumber test apk file (The "AppName-androidtest.apk" file).
All other fields are the same as Espresso/XCUITests.
Inside the cloud reports:
Each example of a scenario would be mapped to a test entity and execute separately.
If Scenario Has no examples, the scenario would be a single test entity.
Due to certain limitations with Android 7 Samsung devices, the test report won’t include Cucumber steps. Instead, it will include Espresso steps.
Running Cucumber tests is supported only for Android 7 and above.