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SeeTest Client - HybridGetHtml


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HybridGetHtml**(WebViewLocator, Index)**


Saves the Html content from a webview into a string


  • WebViewLocator - WebView locator string like id=web or empty for the first WebView in page
  • Index - Element index


Scenario: In the following example I will get the HTML of the webview inside the main window of EriBank application (the Balance section is a web part inside the application).

Command usage: This command is used in case of interest in the HTML data of the page that is being tested.  the HTML content will be saved into a string.


  • WebViewLocator - WebView locator string like id=web or empty for the first WebView in page - will be set to id=balanceWebView
  • Index - Element index - will be set to 0

Code Examples

Java Example

String str0 = client.hybridGetHtml("id=balanceWebView", 0);

C# Example Expand source

String str0 = client.hybridGetHtml("id=balanceWebView", 0);

VBScript Example Expand source

str0 = client.HybridGetHtml ( "id=balanceWebView", 0 )

Python Example Expand source

var0 = self.client.hybridGetHtml("id=balanceWebView", 0)

Perl Example Expand source

my $str0 = $client->hybridGetHtml("id=balanceWebView", 0);