SeeTest Client - GetRemoteFile
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void getRemoteFile(String remoteLocation, int timeout, String localFile)
getRemoteFile used for downloading files from remote machines (e.g. grid, remote SeeTest) to a client machine.
remoteLocation: The remote machine relative file path for download.
Timeout: Waiting Timeout in milliseconds.
localFile: The requested file download destination (can be file or directory)
infoIt is recommended preferring a directory path over a file path, If a file path is chosen it's important to specify the same file extension like the requested file
Example for getRemoteFile :
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package tests;
import com.experitest.client.*;
import org.junit.*;
public class TestEribank {
private String projectBaseDirectory = "C:\\Users\\user\\workspace\\project34";
protected Client client = null;
protected GridClient grid = null;
public void setUp(){
gridClient = new GridClient(<userName>(string), <userPassword>(string), <userProject>(string), <CloudServerAddress>(string), <cloudServerPort>(int), <isCloudServerSecured>(boolean);
client = gridClient.lockDeviceForExecution(<testName>(string), <device Xpath query>(string), <reservation time in minuets>(int), <Timeout waiting for device in miliseconds(long));
public void testUntitled() {
client.swipe("Left", 50, 500);
String capture = client .capture(); // The 'capture' method return the relative screenshot file path on the remote machine
client.swipe("Left", 50, 500);
try {
client.getRemoteFile(capture, 20000, "C:\Users\\<userName>(string)\Pictures\Saved Pictures"); // download capture to requested destination
} catch (Exception e) {
public void tearDown(){