SeeTest Client - GetLastCommandResultMap
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Note: This command can only be added in the code environment (excpet UFT), and not in SeeTestAutomation.
This command can be used to retrieve information (of all parameters listed below) on the last command which was executed.
This command can be also useful while generating reports to an external reports system.
The following keys can be found in the map:
package - String, Package name of last installed app
position - element position (upper left corner of the element)
WinTitle - active device the action was made on
status - Boolean, indicates if a command succeed or not
dtime - the time of a command execution
width - width of the element
height - height of the element
click - click coordinates on click elements
img.height - height of the report image
img.width - width of the report image
screen.height - height of the screen
screen.width - width of the screen
logLine - string, summarizes the last command
outFile - string, with the path to an image of the report
time - time from command to operation
- - background color name (TEXT Zone only)
bcolor - background color value (TEXT Zone only)
color - text color value (TEXT Zone only)
- - text color name (TEXT Zone only)
font.size - font size (TEXT Zone only)
step - index of command step in the test
found - Boolean, verification of element
keys - when command fails to execute
errorMessage - string, the error indication
exception - string, the exception stack trace (optional)
Note: " TEXT Zone only" means that the key will return values only for objects recognized using OCR (Zone TEXT). Those keys will not work for objects recognized using other identification methods (NATIVE/WEB).
Example script
Description: On the following Java snippet we will get the status of the isElementFound command
Java Example
client.isElementFound("NATIVE", "text=login", 0);
Map <String, Object> map = client.getLastCommandResultMap();
String commandStatus= (String) map.get("status");
How to get element font size for Android Devices:
AndroidGetFontSize Expand source
// Please change the code for your needs
private double getFontSize(String elementXpath){
final double MEDIUM_DENSITY = 160.0;// Use YOUR device text density
final String density ="adb shell wm density");
final double screenDensity = Double.parseDouble(density.trim().split(":")[1]);
final double scaledDens = screenDensity/MEDIUM_DENSITY;
final double pixelSize = Double.parseDouble(client.runNativeAPICall("NATIVE", elementXpath, 0, "view" + ".getTextSize();"));
return pixelSize/scaledDens;