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TeamRoom Scorecard

This article explains how to use the TeamRoom scorecard in Agility.


The TeamRoom Scorecard shows metrics to help you understand the progress of work visible in a TeamRoom. Here, you can:

  • Compare actual and expected progress
  • Understand the remaining work and historical trends on work that has already been delivered.


The metrics displayed on the TeamRoom scorecard reflect data visible in the selected TeamRoom.

Viewing the TeamRoom Scorecard

  1. Click the hamburger menu Hamburger iconRooms > All TeamRooms**.**
  2. Click on a room name.
  3. Click the Scorecard tab.

Understanding the TeamRoom Scorecard

The following sections of the TeamRoom Scorecard shows metrics for the work assigned directly within a TeamRoom.

Summary Section

The Summary section, located at the top of the page, shows metrics that roll-up all work assigned to the selected Sprint or Iteration in the TeamRoom.


  • Progress Gauge. Compares the current percent complete by count, against the expected percent compete based on the defined time range. For a project, the start and end dates are taken directly from the project asset. For a program, the start date is the earliest start date for all projects in the program and the end date is the last end date for all projects in the program. If there is no end date on the project or any project in a program, no expected percent complete value displays.
  • Work Breakdown Pie Chart. Indicates the amount of remaining work in stories, defects, or test sets. This breakdown is based on count in order to capture all work regardless of estimate.

To calculate the percentage for particular type, divide the number of that type by the total number of all three. To calculate this value, you need to first navigate the a level in your project tree high enough to see all projects containing work for the portfolio item in question. Next, filter the backlog grid to the item in question and note the number of items returned in the grid paging control (1-25 of ????). Then, filter the grid to the specific work item type ( Backlog Item, Defect, TestSet) and note the number of items returned in the paging control. Now divide the second number by the first number and multiple the results by 100. Round this answer to 1 decimal place.

  • Estimate. A roll-up of the total estimate value for all stories, defects, or test sets regardless of whether the item is open or closed wherever they exist in the system. This value is available on the Portfolio Item Details page and on the Portfolio Tree grid. You can enable the value for cards on the Portfolio Kanban.
  • Unestimated. Percentage of active work that does not have an estimate value. This value is calculated by dividing the total number of active stories without an estimate by the total number of stories and multiplying the answer by 100. Round that answer to 2 decimal places.
  • Detail Estimate. The total amount of Detail Estimate in the Sprint or Iteration or assigned to the Team.
  • ToDo. The total amount of ToDo in a Sprint or Iteration or assigned to the Team.
  • Capacity. The total capacity value entered a sprint or iteration, member, or team. This metric is hidden when Capacity Planning is disabled in your instance.
  • Done. The total amount of effort that has been reported against work assigned. Ownership of the work item is considered when calculating this value nor is the value allocated to the current owners. Effort entered by people that do not not own work assigned to the Team displays in the "None" row. This metric is hidden if Effort Tracking is disabled in your instance.
  • Days. The total number of days remaining before the delivery date.
  • Teams. The number of teams that own work.
  • Projects. Shows the number of active projects or child projects assigned to the program, project, or team.

Charts Section

The charts section, located in the middle of the page, displays the Burn Up, Sprint or Iteration Burndown, Workitem Cumulative Flow Summary, Workitem Cumulative Flow Details, and Planned vs. Actual Velocity Trend allowing you to trend the work associated with the selected Sprint or Iteration in the TeamRoom.

Burn Up Chart

Indicates, by date, the total Estimate value and how much work has been delivered. There is also a linear projection line (an ideal line) from 0 to the total estimate value in the defined time range.


Burn Down Chart

Indicates, by date, the total ToDo value for all remaining work. There is also a linear projection line (an ideal line) from the total estimate value to zero in the defined time range.


Workitem Cumulative Flow Chart

Indicates, by date, the total number of Stories, Defect, and TestSets by status. This chart does not consider any work items closed before the Start Date. The End Date is always the current date.



Planned vs. Actual Velocity Trend Chart

Indicates the amount of work planned and delivered for the current and last 6 Sprints or Iterations. The Planned value is the total estimate at the end of the first day of the Sprint or Iteration - the Sprint or Iteration Begin Date. The delivered value is the total amount of estimate closed in the Sprint or Iteration.


Breakdown Section

The breakdown section allows you to decompose work by specific dimensions.

  • In the Ultimate Edition, metrics can be broken down by Team, Project or Active Portfolio Item or Member.
  • In the Enterprise Edition, metrics can only be broken down by Team.

Clicking on a title will take you to a type specific scorecard for the selected item.

Breakdown by Teams

The Team Breakdown section provides insight into the performance of each Team responsible for delivering work for the selected Sprint or Iteration in this TeamRoom. Each row represents a single Agility Team that owns active work assigned to the Sprint or Iteration. Additionally, there is also a row to account for work not assigned to a team.


Breakdown by Projects

The Project Breakdown section provides insight into how work in the selected TeamRoom is distributed across selected Projects for this TeamRoom Each row represents a single Project that contains work assigned to this sprint in the TeamRoom. There is no Project roll-up; if a parent and child project both contain work, both are listed.

Breakdown by Active Portfolio Items

The Active Portfolio Item Breakdown section provides insight into how work in the TeamRoom context aligns to parent Portfolio Items that are in the "Active" roll-up category. Metrics in this breakdown are rolled-up; each value represents all work below the child, including work in subsequent children.

Breakdown by Members

The Member breakdown section provides insight into each Member responsible for delivering work in the TeamRoom. Each row represents a single Agility Member that is a member of the selected TeamRoom.

Breakdown Options

  • Title. The project, program, portfolio item, or team name

  • Progress. Actual percent of completed work. This value is based on count to account for unestimated items.

    • Actual percent complete is determined by dividing the number of closed work items by the total number of work items multiplied by 100.
    • The expected percent complete is date based. Therefore it is only displays when an end date is specified. To calculate this value, we divide the number of workdays remaining by the total working days and multiple the result by 100. In this context, a working day is any weekday between the start and end date.
  • Contribution. The amount of total work assigned to the project, portfolio item, or team. This value is based on count to account for unestimated items.
  • Estimate. A roll-up of the total estimate value for all stories, defects, or test sets regardless of whether the item is open or closed wherever they exist in the system. This value is available on the Portfolio Item Details page and on the Portfolio Tree grid. You can enable the value for cards on the Portfolio Kanban.
  • Unestimated. Percentage of active work that does not have an estimate value. This value is calculated by dividing the total number of active stories without an estimate by the total number of stories and multiplying the answer by 100. Round that answer to 2 decimal places.
  • Breakdown. Indicates how the remaining active work is broken down by type (stories, defects, or test sets). This value is always based on count in order account for unestimated items.
  • Productivity. The average number of stories, defects, or test sets closed per week for the past 4 weeks. To calculate this number, determine how many items were closed per week for the last 4 weeks. You then find the average and round the value to 1 decimal place.
  • Blocked. The total number of active stories, defects, or test sets that are currently blocked. This value is available today on the Portfolio Tree by adding the "Blocking Issues - Rollup" column. You can also add this information to cards on the Portfolio Kanban.
  • Detail Estimate. The total amount of Detail Estimate in the Sprint or Iteration or assigned to the Team.
  • ToDo. The total amount of ToDo in a Sprint/Iteration or assigned to the Team.
  • Total Effort. This value represents the total amount of Effort reported against any workitems that rolls-up to this portfolio item. Workitems in this context can be Task, Test, Defect, Story, or TestSet. This value is available today on the Portfolio Item Tree by adding the "Total Done" column. You can also add this information to cards on the Portfolio Kanban. This metric is hidden when Effort tracking is disabled in your instance.
  • Done. The total amount of effort that has been reported against work assigned. Ownership of the work item is considered when calculating this value nor is the value allocated to the current owners. Effort entered by people that do not not own work assigned to the Team displays in the "None" row. This metric is hidden if Effort Tracking is disabled in your instance.
  • Task or Test Breakdown. The percentage of currently active Tasks and Tests that are owned by this person and part of stories, defects, or testsets assigned to the Team. This value is based on count in order account for unestimated items.
  • Capacity. The total capacity value entered a sprint or iteration, member, or team. This metric is hidden when Capacity Planning is disabled in your instance.
  • Days Since Effort. The number of days since effort was updated. This metric is hidden when Effort tracking is disabled in your instance.