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Version: 24.3

Sprint or Iteration Review

This article explains how to perform Sprint or Iteration reviews in Agility.


At the end of each sprint or iteration, or periodically if using Kanban, the team reviews the backlog to see what was completed (closed) and determine what work is unfinished. Unfinished workitems can be moved to the another sprint so the team gets partial credit for the work that was completed.

When all the items have been closed or moved, the team can then close the sprint.

After the sprint is closed, the team then conducts a Retrospective meeting to ensure that their processes and norms continue to evolve in a positive direction. As they identify issues, they can record them on the Agility Retrospectives page and later create additional stories as needed.

The Sprint or Iteration Review page is a good end-of-sprint view that shows the status of the work performed during the sprint.