Fact Test Run
The TestRun fact table can provide you with the following measures about tests being executed in your test environment Number of test that were not executed Number of test that passed Number of test that failed Elapsed time on the test run.
Table Description
The following table describes the columns available in the default table.
Column Name | Description | Datatype | Foreign Key To |
TestRunKey | Unique identifier for this test run | int | |
Audit | VersionOne identifier for this test run | int | |
DateKey | Foreign Key to date the test were executed | int | Dim.Date |
Date | Date the test were executed | datetime | |
TestSuiteKey | Foreign Key to Test Suite | int | Dim.TestSuite |
Elapsed | Amount of time it took to execute the tests | float | |
Passed | Number of tests that passed | float | |
Failed | Number of tests that failed | float | |
NotRun | Number of tests that were not executed | float |