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Version: Early Access


Secondary Workitem is a generic term used when referring to Task and Test. This table contains Type 1 data for Secondary Workitems defined in your instance. It will also contain columns for Custom Drop-downs and Custom Booleans defined on these assets in .

Table Description

Column NameDescriptionDatatype
SecondaryWorkitemKeyDatamart unique identifier for this Secondary Workitemint
SecondaryWorkitemOidIdentifier for this Secondary Workitemint
SecondaryWorkitemNameName on Task or Testnvarchar
SecondaryWorkitemDisplayIdIdentifier visible in gridvarchar
SecondaryWorkitemTypeType of Secondary Workitem (Task or Test)varchar
SecondaryWorkitemAssetStateAsset Statevarchar
SecondaryWorkitemProjectName of the project containing this Task or Testnvarchar
SecondaryWorkitemIterationNameName of the Iteration containing this Task or Testnvarchar
SecondaryWorkitemTeamNameName of the Team that owns this Task or Testnvarchar
SecondaryWorkitemWorkitemNameName of the Primary Workitem Parent for this Task or Testnvarchar
SecondaryWorkitemWorkitemDisplayIdDisplay Id of the Primary Workitem Parent for this Task or Testvarchar
SecondaryWorkitemReferenceReference value for this Task or Testnvarchar
SecondaryWorkitemTaskStatusStatus value for when Secondary Workitem is a Tasknvarchar
SecondaryWorkitemTaskTypeType value for when Secondary Workitem is a Tasknvarchar
SecondaryWorkitemTaskSourceSource value for when Secondary Workitem is a Tasknvarchar
SecondaryWorkitemTaskBuildBuild value for when Secondary Workitem is a Tasknvarchar
SecondaryWorkitemTestStatusStatus value for when Secondary Workitem is a Testnvarchar
SecondaryWorkitemTestTypeType value for when Secondary Workitem is a Testnvarchar
SecondaryWorkitemTestGeneratedFromNameName of Regression Test used to generate this Testnvarchar
SecondaryWorkitemTestGeneratedFromDisplayIdDisplay Id of Regression Test used to generate this Testvarchar
SecondaryWorkitemOrderOrder of this Secondary Workitem in a listint
SecondaryWorkitemDetailEstimateDetail Estimate value for this Secondary Workitemreal
SecondaryWorkitemToDoCurrent ToDo value for this Secondary Workitemreal
SecondaryWorkitemCreatedByNameFull Name of the Member who created this Secondary Workitemnvarchar
SecondaryWorkitemLastModifiedByNameFull Name of the Member who last modified this Secondary Workitemnvarchar
SecondaryWorkitemClosedDateUTCThe UTC date and time this Secondary Workitem was Closed / Archiveddatetime
SecondaryWorkitemClosedDateKeyForeign Key to Dim.Date for the Closed Dateint
SecondaryWorkitemClosedByIDForeign Key to the Dim.Member that closed this Secondary Workitemint
SecondaryWorkitemClosedByNameThe name of the Member that closed this Secondary Workitemnvarchar
SecondaryWorkitemCreateDateUTCUTC Date the Secondary Workitem was createddatetime
SecondaryWorkitemLastModifiedDateUTCUTC Date the Secondary Workitem was last modifieddatetime
SecondaryWorkitemCreatedByKeyForeign Key to the Member who created this Secondary Workitemint
SecondaryWorkitemLastModifiedByKeyForeign Key to the Member who last modified this Secondary Workitemint
SecondaryWorkitemCreateDateKeyForeign Key to Dim.Date for the Create Dateint
SecondaryWorkitemLastModifiedDateKeyForeign Key to Dim.Date for the Last Modified Dateint