This topic explains how to count the number of stories that meets some criteria.
Story Trend
Trend the number of stories that meet some criteria
Story Trend by Priority
select DateKey, WorkitemPriorityName as [Priority], count(*) as [Count]
from Fact.Workitem WI
join Tree.ProjectParent T on T.DescendantKey=WI.ProjectKey
join Dim.AssetState S on WI.PrimaryAssetStateKey = S.AssetStateKey
join Dim.Project P on P.ProjectKey=T.AncestorKey
join Dim.AssetType AT on WI.AssetTypeKey = AT.AssetTypeKey
join Dim.WorkitemPriority WIP on WI.WorkitemPriorityKey=WIP.WorkitemPriorityKey
where AssetTypeName ='Story' and ProjectName='Call Center' and AssetStateName = 'Active'
group by DateKey, WorkitemPriorityName
order by DateKey
Story Trend by Team
select DateKey, TeamName as [Team], count(*) as [Count]
from Fact.Workitem WI
join Tree.ProjectParent T on T.DescendantKey=WI.ProjectKey
join Dim.AssetState S on WI.PrimaryAssetStateKey = S.AssetStateKey
join Dim.Project P on P.ProjectKey=T.AncestorKey
join Dim.AssetType AT on WI.AssetTypeKey = AT.AssetTypeKey
join Dim.Team on Team.TeamKey=WI.TeamKey
where AssetTypeName ='Story' and ProjectName='Call Center' and AssetStateName = 'Active'
group by DateKey, TeamName
order by DateKey
Task Trend
Task Trend by Status
select DateKey, TaskStatusName, count(*) ActiveTaskCount
from Fact.Workitem WI
join Tree.ProjectParent T on T.DescendantKey=WI.ProjectKey
join Dim.Project P on P.ProjectKey=T.AncestorKey
join Dim.TaskStatus TS on TS.TaskStatusKey=WI.TaskStatusKey
join Dim.AssetState S on S.AssetStateKey=WI.SecondaryAssetStateKey
join Dim.AssetType AT on WI.AssetTypeKey = AT.AssetTypeKey
where AssetTypeName='Task' and ProjectName='Release 1.0' and AssetStateName = 'Active'
group by DateKey, TaskStatusName
order by DateKey
Test Trend
Test Trend by Status
select DateKey, count(*) TestCount, TestStatusName
from Fact.Workitem WI
join Dim.SecondaryWorkitem on WI.SecondaryWorkitemKey = SecondaryWorkitem.SecondaryWorkitemKey
join Tree.ProjectParent T on T.DescendantKey=WI.ProjectKey
join Dim.Project on Project.ProjectKey=T.AncestorKey
join Dim.Team on Team.TeamKey=WI.TeamKey
join Dim.AssetState on AssetState.AssetStateKey=WI.SecondaryAssetStateKey
join Dim.TestStatus TS on WI.TestStatusKey=TS.TestStatusKey
where SecondaryWorkitemType='Test' and ProjectName='Release 1.0' and AssetStateName = 'Active'
group by DateKey, TestStatusName
order by DateKey
Test Trend using a Custom Check box
select DateKey, DiscoveredAfterPlanningName [DiscoveredAfterPlanning], count(*) TestCount
from Fact.Workitem WI
join Dim.SecondaryWorkitem SWI on WI.SecondaryWorkitemKey = SWI.SecondaryWorkitemKey
join Tree.ProjectParent T on T.DescendantKey=WI.ProjectKey
join Dim.Project P on P.ProjectKey=T.AncestorKey
join Dim.DiscoveredAfterPlanning DAP on DAP.DiscoveredAfterPlanningKey=WI.DiscoveredAfterPlanningKey
join Dim.AssetState S on S.AssetStateKey=WI.SecondaryAssetStateKey
where SecondaryWorkitemType='Test' and ProjectName='Release 1.0' and AssetStateName = 'Active'
group by DateKey, DiscoveredAfterPlanningName
order by DateKey
Defect Priority Trend
select DateKey, WorkitemPriorityName as [Priority], count(*) as [Count]
from Fact.Workitem WI
join Tree.ProjectParent T on T.DescendantKey=WI.ProjectKey
join Dim.Project P on P.ProjectKey=T.AncestorKey
join Dim.AssetType AT on WI.AssetTypeKey = AT.AssetTypeKey
join Dim.AssetState S on WI.PrimaryAssetStateKey = S.AssetStateKey
join Dim.WorkitemPriority WP on WI.WorkitemPriorityKey=WP.WorkitemPriorityKey
where AssetTypeName='Defect' and ProjectName='Call Center' and AssetStateName = 'Active'
group by DateKey, WorkitemPriorityName
order by DateKey