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Version: Early Access

Fact Epic Test

The Fact.EpicTest table contain metrics available on Tests on Epics Each row in the table represents a single Epic Test on a given day. All metrics in the table are semi-additive, meaning that are cumulative only for a given day. There are no default metrics on this table.

Table Description

The following table describes the columns available in the default table.

Column NameDescriptionDatatypeForeign Key To
DateKeyDate of this measureintDim.Date
WorkitemKeyData Mart identifier for the Testint
AssetTypeKeyData Mart identifier for the type of workitemintDim.AssetType
EpicKeyData Mart identifier for the PrimaryWorkitem that owns this TestintDim.Epic
SecondaryWorkitemKeyData Mart identifier for the TestintDim.EpicTest
ProjectKeyData Mart identifier for the Project containing this TestintDim.Project
TestStatusKeyData Mart identifier for the Test statusintDim.TestStatus
TestTypeKeyData Mart identifier for the Test TypeintDim.TestType
SecondaryAssetStateKeyData Mart identifier for the asset state of the TestintDim.AssetState