In Agility Regression Suites are paired with an Environment to generate a Test Set which will be scheduled for execution with a given iteration. The Environment is the technical setup used for running tests, such as operating system, client, database, etc. This table contains Type 1 data for the Environments defined in your instance.
Table Description
Column Name | Description | DataType |
EnvironmentKey | Datamart unique identifier for this Environment | int |
EnvironmentOid | VersionOne unique identifier for this Environment | int |
EnvironmentName | Name | nvarchar |
EnvironmentDisplayId | Environment Identifier visible in VersionOne grids | varchar |
EnvironmentProjectName | Name of Project where Environment is defined | nvarchar |
EnvironmentProjectKey | Foreign Key to the Project where this Environment is defined | int |
EnvironmentAssetState | AssetState for this Environment | varchar |
EnvironmentCreatedByName | Name of Member that created this Environment | nvarchar |
EnvironmentLastModifiedByName | Name of Member that last modified this Environment | nvarchar |
EnvironmentCreateDateUTC | UTC Date when this Environment was created | datetime |
EnvironmentLastModifiedDateUTC | UTC Date of when this Environment was last modified | datetime |
EnvironmentCreatedByKey | Foreign Key the Dim.Member that created this Environment | int |
EnvironmentLastModifiedByKey | Foreign Key the Dim.Member that last modified this Environment | int |