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Version: Early Access


Issues are used to highlight those items that require project-wide visibility. This table contains Type 1 data for Issues defined in your instance.

Table Description

Column NameDescriptionDataType
IssueKeyDatamart unique identifier for this Issueint
IssueOidVersionOne identifier for this Issueint
IssueNameIssue Namenvarchar
IssueDisplayedIssue identifier visible in gridvarchar
IssueTargetDateValue of the Target Date attribute on this Issuedatetime
IssueTargetDateKeyForeign Key to the Date dimension for the Target Dateint
IssueProjectKeyForeign Key to the Project that owns this Issueint
IssueProjectNameName of the Project that owns this Issuenvarchar
IssueTeamKeyForeign Key to the Team assigned to this Issueint
IssueTeamNameName of the Team assigned to this Issuenvarchar
IssueOwnerKeyForeign Key to the Member that owns this Issueint
IssueOwnerNameName of the Member that owns this Issuenvarchar
IssueIdentifiedByValue of the Identified By attribute on this Issuenvarchar
IssueReferenceValue of the Reference attribute on this Issuenvarchar
IssueTypeNameValue of the Type attribute on this Issuenvarchar
IssuePriorityNameValue of the Priority attribute on this Issuenvarchar
IssueSourceNameValue of the Source attribute on this Issuenvarchar
IssueResolutionNameValue of the Resolution attribute on this Issuenvarchar
IssueClosedDateUTCUTC date and time this Issue was Closed/Archiveddatetime
IssueClosedDateKeyForeign Key to Dim.Date for the Closed Dateint
IssueClosedByIDForeign Key to the Dim.Member that closed this Issueint
IssueClosedByNameName of the Member that closed this Issuenvarchar
IssueAssetStateAsset State for this Issuevarchar
IssueCreatedByNameFull Name of the Member who created this Issuenvarchar
IssueLastModifiedByNameFull Name of the Member who last modified this Issuenvarchar
IssueCreateDateUTCUTC Date this Issue was createddatetime
IssueLastModifiedDateUTCUTC Date this Issue was last modifieddatetime
IssueCreatedByKeyForeign Key to the Member who created this Issueint
IssueLastModifiedByKeyForeign Key to the Member who last modified this Issueint
IssueCreateDateKeyForeign Key to Dim.Date for the Create Dateint
IssueLastModifiedDateKeyForeign Key to Dim.Date for the Last Modified Dateint