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Version: TeamForge 22.1

TeamForge Webhooks-based Event Broker Settings


The TeamForge Webhooks-based Event Broker deployment consists of three components:

  • the native binary,
  • PostgreSQL database, and
  • the configuration file

Configuration Parameters

WebrHostHostname/IP of server where the TeamForge Webhooks-based Event Broker is running. This is used to dynamically send across the publishing endpoint for publishers.
WebrPortPort number where the TeamForge Webhooks-based Event Broker will run.
CertFileCertificate file. Mandatory as the TeamForge Webhooks-based Event Broker uses only secure HTTP.
KeyFileKey file. Mandatory as the TeamForge Webhooks-based Event Broker uses only secure HTTP. Both the KeyFile and the CertFile should be present in the same directory where the TeamForge Webhooks-based Event Broker runs.
WebrAdminUserThe TeamForge Webhooks-based Event Broker administrative user name. There is only one admin user.
WebrAdminPasswordThe TeamForge Webhooks-based Event Broker admin user password. This is stored as an encrypted string and is decrypted at runtime by the TeamForge Webhooks-based Event Broker.
DBServerThe server where PostgreSQL instance is running.
DBNameThe database name to which the TeamForge Webhooks-based Event Broker must connect. This is created automatically during installation and seeded with data.
DBUserPostgreSQL username that the TeamForge Webhooks-based Event Broker server should use to connect to the database.
DBPasswordThe TeamForge Webhooks-based Event Broker database password.


This is used for TOPIC senders. This controls the number of messages each sender has to cache, while sending data. A higher number reduces database hits, while marginally increasing memory requirements. Default is 500. For more information on TOPIC senders, see TOPIC Event Type.

TeamForgePluginTeamForge plugin details are specified. This is used to authenticate with TeamForge for publishing data to TeamForge.
TeamForgePlugin.HostTeamForge hostname
TeamForgePlugin.UsernameTeamForge system username
TeamForgePlugin.PasswordTeamForge system user password

Inspection of the configuration file will reveal other configuration parameters as well. But these pertain to the older v2 engine and are currently deprecated. These will be removed in the next release.

Enhanced Logging

The TeamForge Webhooks-based Event Broker provides minimal logging by default. All exception conditions provide a trace in the service log. However, it is possible to turn on enhanced logging for debugging purposes. When a GET is executed on host:port/v4/instrument/on, enhanced logging is turned on.

This provides a complete trace of all methods executed, entry and exit times of functions, payload values, subscription cache hits and values, and a host of other information.

Executing a GET on host:port/v4/instrument/off will turn off enhanced logging.

Debugging Features

Invoking host:port/debug will show complete information on runtime debug. The dump can also be obtained using pprof tools.

A sample screenshot is shown here:

Details related to the memory allocation, goroutines (processes) running, heap, CPU, and memory profile can be obtained on the running instance.

Scripts and Filters in the TeamForge Webhooks-based Event Broker