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36 docs tagged with "ctf_19.3"

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Back up and Restore TeamForge

Save a copy of your TeamForge site's data to a location from where you can quickly retrieve it to your TeamForge site.

Check Out Code

You can use the checkout command to check out the code from Subversion or GIT repository.

Create and View Baselines

Create a Baseline when you accomplish specific milestones in your project or when you release or deliver a product. You can create a Baseline from either a Baseline Definition or from the ground up.

Create and View Project Baselines

A Project Baseline is a baseline created on a project at a given point in time. Once you have Project Baselines created, you can kick start new projects from Project Baselines and proceed from when and where the Project Baselines were created in the past. Project Baselines are typically created using Project Baseline Definitions, when you release or deliver a product. You can create as many Project Baselines as required.

Create Tracker Artifacts

You can create a tracker artifact whenever you need to report and track a bug, feature request, support request, or other type of issue. You can also create a tracker artifact without logging into TeamForge just by sending an email to the tracker.

Edit Tracker Artifacts

Updating the information in tracker artifacts is one important way that project members can work together effectively.

Install TeamForge in a Distributed Setup

Distributed setup with TeamForge, Database (including Datamart), Review Board, SCM (Subversion and Git), Code Search and Baseline installed on separate servers.

My Workspace

Your My Workspace is a personal workspace that offers a handful of configurable widgets such as My Recent Projects, My Recent Repositories, Git Code Reviews, Project News and so on. You can use these widgets to view recent projects, recent repositories, recent commits, items assigned to you (TeamForge artifacts and document reviews), Git code reviews, project news, reports and more.

QUEUE Event Type

Queue type events are provided within the TeamForge Webhooks-based Event Broker to support client server processing and http based load balancing. It provides a robust mechanism for invoking jobs asynchronously and receiving the response through callbacks.

Reporting in TeamForge

Generate a report to get a snapshot of what is going on in a project. You can generate reports on data stored in both TeamForge's production (operational) database or datamart. Datamart, also known as the Reporting database, is build by extracting, transforming and loading (ETL) TeamForge's production data to a separate database (datamart) at regular intervals.

Set up LFS

Git Large File Storage (LFS) is a Git extension for versioning large files. Git LFS replaces large files such as audio samples, videos, datasets, and graphics with text pointers inside Git, while storing the file contents on a separate server (typically a remote server).

Set up Webhooks for Tracker Artifacts (Pre-submit and Post-submit Webhooks)

Create pre-submit webhooks to enforce business rules on tracker artifacts and post-submit webhooks to deliver (custom-formatted) event messages to other tools. These webhooks are triggered when certain tracker events occur such as artifact create, update, move, clone or delete. You must have Project Admin permissions to set up pre-submit and post-submit webhooks.

SYNC Event Type

A SYNC event type within the TeamForge Webhooks-based Event Broker is called as a Pre-Submit event in TeamForge. Only one subscription is allowed for this event type.

TeamForge Binary Integration Overview

An important aspect of the end-to-end development lifecycle is the creation and storage of software packages that are often binary artifacts. In the Java world, these are usually reusable jars that are used by other projects. Binary artifact repository managers are software systems that manage, version, and store binary artifacts. Example of such repository manager is Sonatype Nexus.

TeamForge Load Balancing Setup

Installing TeamForge in a Load Balancing setup ensures distribution of processing load between multiple servers. The HAProxy Server hosts the HAProxy services that are required for the load balancing function.

TeamForge Maven Deploy Plugin

The TeamForge Maven Deploy Plugin can be configured to post binary artifact deployment information to TeamForge via the Webhooks-based Event Broker (WEBR) for end-to-end traceability.

TeamForge Webhooks-based Event Broker Overview

TeamForge Webhooks-based Event Broker is a webhook driven integration broker, delivered as a free technical microservice along with TeamForge. It is a replacement for the event brokering aspects of the now deprecated EventQ product.

TOPIC Event Type

A TOPIC event type within the TeamForge Webhooks-based Event Broker is called as a Post-Submit event in TeamForge. The message of this event type is delivered to all the subscription endpoints.