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Version: Release 24.3

Run Diagnostic Mode

This topic illustrates how to use the diagnostic mode in Release.

Note: Sometimes, the application PODs do not start because of misconfiguration or some other problem during application startup in the application’s container. To overcome this, you can use the diagnostic mode. This will not start the actual application process, instead will use a dummy sleep infinity process.

Steps to Configure Diagnostic Mode

  1. Update the Release CR yaml file by running the following command:
kubectl patch -n digitalai dai-xlr \
--type=merge --patch '{"spec":{"diagnosticMode": {"enabled": true}}}'
  1. The Release pods are automatically restarted.
  2. The CR yaml file will now have a new diagnosticMode section.
kubectl get Digitalaireleases dai-xlr -n digitalai -o jsonpath='{.spec.diagnosticMode}'
  1. The restarted pod process will be in sleep mode. You can ssh into the application's container and check the content. To return to the standard application setup, toggle the diagnosticMode to false.