Application Onboarding Overview
Application Onboarding is a modernized control panel for Developers to enable efficient application onboarding in a hybrid or multi-cloud environments. With Release 23.1, we are bringing in new self-service workflows so that Developers can onboard their applications easier with minimum knowledge of tools. Newly introduced workflows guide users through step-by-step execution of tasks, reducing complexity in setting up environments. Application Onboarding leverages cloud benefits such as scalability, availability, and optimizing applications for the cloud for improved performance and reliability. It also helps ensure adherence to cloud security and compliance best practices.
Connect to Deploy Servers
This topic describes how to connect Release to Deploy servers, enabling seamless integration for deployment automation.
Custom resource keys migration during upgrade
From 23.3 version, there are changes how is working answer to the question:
Deploy Container Plugin
The Deploy container plugin allows you to start a deployment of an application on Deploy.
Deploy Plugin
The Deploy plugin for Release allows you to start a control task or to start a deployment of an application on Deploy. It also provides the functionality to trigger undeployment of an application already deployed on Deploy.
Deploy Tasks
The Deploy task provides integration with Deploy, the Application Release Automation solution as part of the DevOps Platform. It is an automated task that triggers the deployment of an application to an environment in Deploy. Both the application and environment must be configured in Deploy. The task provides live updates of the deployment process and completes automatically when the deployment succeeds.
Install or Upgrade—Deploy or Release—on Amazon EKS
Note: Here is a basic setup for the AWS EKS cluster, use it as a guideline to create K8s cluster to have minimal K8s environment for Deploy or Release installation.
Install or Upgrade—Deploy or Release—on Azure AKS
Note: Here is a basic setup for the Azure K8S cluster, use it as a guideline to create K8s cluster to have minimal K8s environment for Deploy or Release installation.
Install or Upgrade—Deploy or Release—on Google GKE
Note: Here is a basic setup for the GKE cluster, use it as a guideline to create K8s cluster to have minimal K8s environment for Deploy or Release installation.
Install or Upgrade—Deploy or Release—on Openshift on AWS
Note: Here is a basic setup for the AWS Openshift cluster,
Install—Deploy or Release—On-premise Kubernetes
Important: Use these instructions to install Deploy or Release on a minikube multi-node cluster for testing or illustration purposes. Do not use these instructions to set up a production environment.
Migrate From Community Deploy Plugin to Standard Plugin in Release
The community xlr-xldeploy-plugin and the officially-supported xlr-xld-plugin can both exist within the same Release instance without any conflicts.
Octopus Deploy Plugin
This topic introduces the Octopus Deploy Plugin for Release, which facilitates integration with Octopus Deploy for managing deployments within release pipelines.
Onboard Applications using Live Deployments Discovery Wizard
The Live Deployments Discovery wizard allows you to create connections to ArgoCD or your server's Deploy applications. You can use this wizard to discover and onboard applications with ease.
Plan Your Installation or Upgrade
You use the XL CLI's xl kube command to install or upgrade Deploy or Release, or Release Runner. For more information, see XL Kube Command Reference.
Select the Type of OIDC Configuration
Configuring OIDC is one of the steps in installing or upgrading Deploy or Release using the Operator-based installer.
Set up Workflows for Onboarding Applications
Workflows are a combination of tasks that can be executed in an interactive session, with pre-built best practices. Once you have this setup in place, all you would be doing is to select the workflows from the self-service catalog and execute them in step-by-step view to interactively setup applications in Argo CD and Deploy.
Setup Custom Image Registry
In this article, you will learn how to set up a custom image registry to install or upgrade Release. A custom image registry can either be public (not password protected) or private (password protected).
Trust an Deploy server's certificate
This topics provides information about creating and configuring a truststore, importing certificates, and adjusting Release settings to ensure secure communication with the Deploy server.
View the Live Status of Deployed Applications
Note: Live Status of Deployed Applications is a feature in Tech Preview—released in Release 22.3—enabled by default. You must disable this feature (using the feature flag) if you do not want to use it.
Workflow for AWS Lambda Application Setup with Deploy
Before You Begin
Workflow to Delete Application in Argo CD
The objective is to illustrate how to use the Delete Application in ArgoCD workflow in Release to delete an application in Argo CD that runs in a Kubernetes cluster.
Workflow to Update Application in Argo CD
The objective is to illustrate how to use the Update Application in ArgoCD workflow in Release to update an application in Argo CD that runs in a Kubernetes cluster.
Workflows Overview
With Release 23.3, we are bringing in new self-service workflows so that Developers can onboard their applications easier with minimum knowledge of tools. Newly introduced workflows guide users through step-by-step execution of tasks, reducing complexity in setting up environments. It leverages cloud benefits such as scalability, availability, and optimizing applications for the cloud for improved performance and reliability. It also helps ensure adherence to cloud security and compliance best practices.