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Version: Release 24.1

Azure Keyvault Integration


The Azure Keyvault Integration is used to retrieve secrets from Azure Keyvault secret to use in your tasks and automations. The integration also lets you create, get, and delete secrets in the Azure Keyvault secrets from Release.


  • Release: version 23.3.x and above


In this scenario, we have used gradle 6.0.1. See gradle/wrappter/ for the actual version.

Import the jar file into your %XLRELEASE_INSTALLATION%/plugins/xlr-official folder or from the Release web UI as a new plugin. Adding the plugin requires a server restart.


Set up Connection to Azure Keyvault

From the navigation pane, under Configuration, click Connections.

  1. Under Secrets Management connections, next to Azure: Keyvault Server, click Add.
  2. Select the authentication method, Directory_Application_And_Service_Principal or Active_Directory_With_Username_And_Password from the dropdown.
  3. If Directory_Application_And_Service_Principal is selected, enter the Subscription Id, Tenant Id *, Client Id, and Client Key.
  4. If Active_Directory_With_Username_And_Password is selected, enter the User Name, User Password, and Tenant Id *.
  5. If required, enter the proxy details.
  6. To test the connection, click Test.
  7. To save the configuration, click Save.


Azure Keyvault Tasks

The following tasks are available with the Azure Keyvault plugin:

  1. Set Secret
  2. Get Secret
  3. Delete Secret

Set Secret

This task lets you create a secret in Azure keyvault. The task takes in parameters like the secret name and secret value.


Get Secret

This task lets you retrieve a secret and store it in an output password variable which can be used in subsequent tasks.The task takes in the Secret name.


Delete Secret

This task lets you delete a secret from Azure keyvault. The task takes in the Secret name.


Lookup Secret

You can create a lookup variable in Release, to retrieve a secret value from the Azure keyvault in real time. Now, you can store it to be used in the Release tasks.
