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SeeTest Client - SetLanguage


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Set the OCR language


  • language: The language to use or left empty to reset to English (See languages list below)



Note:    For older versions you can still set the OCR language by using the command "setLanguage" in your script

EnglishEnglish language selection. (Default for recognition). ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'eng'.LANG_ENG
GermanGerman language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'deu'.LANG_GER
FrenchFrench language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'fra'.LANG_FRE
DutchDutch language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'nld'.LANG_DUT
NorwegianNorwegian language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'nor'.LANG_NOR
SwedishSwedish language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'swe'.LANG_SWE
FinnishFinnish language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'fin'.LANG_FIN
DanishDanish language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'dan'.LANG_DAN
IcelandicIcelandic language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'isl'.LANG_ICE
PortuguesePortuguese language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'por'.LANG_POR
SpanishSpanish language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'spa'.LANG_SPA
CatalanCatalan language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'cat'.LANG_CAT
GalicianGalician language selection. Alternate names are Gallegan and Gallego. Spoken in Spain and Portugal. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'glg'.LANG_GAL
ItalianItalian language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'ita'.LANG_ITA
MalteseMaltese language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'mlt'.LANG_MAL
GreekGreek language selection. This selection includes the characters of the English language as well. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'ell'.LANG_GRE
PolishPolish language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'pol'.LANG_POL
CzechCzech language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'ces'.LANG_CZH
SlovakSlovak language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'slk'.LANG_SLK
HungarianHungarian language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'hun'.LANG_HUN
SlovenianSlovenian language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'slv'.LANG_SLN
CroatianCroatian language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'hrv'.LANG_CRO
RomanianRomanian language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'ron'.LANG_ROM
AlbanianAlbanian language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'sqi'.LANG_ALB
TurkishTurkish language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'tur'.LANG_TUR
EstonianEstonian language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'est'.LANG_EST
LatvianLatvian language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'lav'.LANG_LAT
LithuanianLithuanian language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'lit'.LANG_LIT
Serbian (Latin)Serbian (Latin) language selection. The Serbian language's ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'srp' but the CSDK uses the 'qsl' local code for Latin Serbian writing.LANG_SRL
Serbian (Cyrillic)Serbian (Cyrillic) language selection. This selection includes the characters of the English language as well. The Serbian language's ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'srp'. The CSDK uses this code for only the Cyrillic Serbian writing.LANG_SRB
Macedonian (Cyrillic)Macedonian (Cyrillic) language selection. This selection includes the characters of the English language as well. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'mkd'.LANG_MAC
Moldavian (Cyrillic)Moldavian (Cyrillic) language selection. This selection includes the characters of the English language as well. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'mol'.LANG_MOL
Bulgarian (Cyrillic)Bulgarian (Cyrillic) language selection. This selection includes the characters of the English language as well. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'bul'.LANG_BUL
Byelorussian (Cyrillic)Byelorussian (Cyrillic) language selection. This selection includes the characters of the English language as well. Other spellings Belarusian and White Russian. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'bel'.LANG_BEL
Ukrainian (Cyrillic)Ukrainian (Cyrillic) language selection. This selection includes the characters of the English language as well. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'ukr'.LANG_UKR
Russian (Cyrillic)Russian (Cyrillic) language selection. This selection includes the characters of the English language as well. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'rus'.LANG_RUS
JapaneseJapanese language selection. This selection includes the characters of the English language as well. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'jpn'.LANG_JPN
Simplified ChineseSimplified Chinese language selection. This selection includes the characters of the English language as well. There is no language code for this writing mode in the ISO/DIS 639-3 standard. The CSDK uses the 'qcs' local code.LANG_CHS
Traditional ChineseTraditional Chinese language selection. This selection includes the characters of the English language as well. There is no language code for this writing mode in the ISO/DIS 639-3 standard. The CSDK uses the 'qct' local code.LANG_CHT
KoreanKorean language selection. This selection includes the characters of the English language as well. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'kor'.LANG_KRN
ThaiThai language selection. Reserved for future versions. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'tha'.LANG_THA
Detect latinDetect latin language(s).LANG_ALL_LATIN
Detect asianDetect asian language(s).LANG_ALL_ASIAN
DetectDetect any language(s).LANG_ALL
EsperantoEsperanto language selection. Constructed language. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'epo'.LANG_ESP
ChechenChechen language selection. This selection includes the characters of the English language as well. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'che'.LANG_CHE
KabardianKabardian language selection. This selection includes the characters of the English language as well. Alternate name is Beslenei. Spoken in Russia and Turkey. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'kbd'.LANG_KAB
AfrikaansAfrikaans language selection. Spoken in Sourth Africa. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'afr'.LANG_AFR
AymaraAymara language selection. Spoken in Bolivia and Peru. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'aym'.LANG_AYM
BasqueBasque language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'eus'.LANG_BAS
BembaBemba language selection. Alternate names are Chibemba, Ichibemba,  Wemba, Chiwemba. Spoken in Zambia and Democratic Republic of Congo. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'bem'.LANG_BEM
BlackfootBlackfoot language selection. Alternate name is Blackfeet, Siksika and Pikanii. Spoken in Canada and USA. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'bla'.LANG_BLA
BretonBreton language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'bre'.LANG_BRE
Portuguese (Brazilian)Portuguese (Brazilian) language selection. There is no language code for the Brazilian Portuguese language in the ISO/DIS 639-3 standard. The CSDK uses the 'qbp' local code.LANG_BRA
BugotuBugotu language selection. Spoken in Solomon Islands. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'bgt'.LANG_BUG
ChamorroChamorro language selection. Spoken in Guam and Northern Mariana Islands. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'cha'.LANG_CHA
ChuanaChuana or Tswana language selection. Spoken in Botswana and South Africa. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'tsn'.LANG_CHU
CorsicanCorsican language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'cos'.LANG_COR
CrowCrow language selection. Spoken in USA. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'cro'.LANG_CRW
EskimoEskimo language selection. This language selection is a collection of Eskimo and Inuit languages. There is no language code for it in the ISO/DIS 639-3 standard. The CSDK uses the 'qes' local code.LANG_ESK
FaroeseFaroese language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'fao'.LANG_FAR
FijianFijian language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'fij'.LANG_FIJ
FrisianFrisian language selection. This is a macrolanguage of three Frisian languages in Germany. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'fry'.LANG_FRI
FriulianFriulian language selection. Spoken in Italy. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'fur'.LANG_FRU
Gaelic IrishGaelic Irish language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'gle'.LANG_GLI
Gaelic ScottishGaelic Scottish language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'gla'.LANG_GLS
GandaGanda or Luganda language selection. Spoken in Uganda. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'lug'.LANG_GAN
GuaraniGuarani language selection. This is a macrolanguage of the Chiripa and some Guarani languages. Spoken in Paraguay, Argentina, Bolivia and Brazil. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'grn'.LANG_GUA
HaniHani language selection. Alternate names are Hanhi, Haw and Hani Proper. Spoken in China, Laos and Viet Nam. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'hni'.LANG_HAN
HawaiianHawaiian language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'haw'.LANG_HAW
IdoIdo language selection. Constructed language. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'ido'.LANG_IDO
IndonesianIndonesian language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'ind'.LANG_IND
InterlinguaInterlingua language selection. Constructed language. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'ina'.LANG_INT
KashubianKashubian language selection. Spoken in Poland. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'csb'.LANG_KAS
KawaKawa language selection. Alternate names area Wa, Va, Vo, Wa Pwo and Wakut. Spoken in China. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'wbm'.LANG_KAW
KikuyuKikuyu language selection. Spoken in Kenya. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'kik'.LANG_KIK
KongoKongo language selection. This is a macrolanguage of Laari and Kongo languages. Spoken in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Angola and Congo. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'kon'.LANG_KON
KpelleKpelle language selection. This is a macrolanguage of Kpelle languages. Spoken in Liberia and Guinea. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'kpe'.LANG_KPE
KurdishKurdish language selection - if written in the latin alphabet. This is a macrolanguage of the Kurdish languages ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'kur'.LANG_KUR
LatinLatin language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'lat'.LANG_LTN
LubaLuba language selection. Alternate names are Luba-Lulua, Luba-Kasai, Tshiluba, Luva and Western Luba. Spoken in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'lua'.LANG_LUB
LuxembourgianLuxembourgian language selection. Alternate names are Luxembourgeois and Letzburgish. Spoken in Luxembourg. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'ltz'.LANG_LUX
MalagasyMalagasy language selection. This is a macrolanguage of Malagasy languages. Spoken in Madagascar. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'mlg'.LANG_MLG
MalayMalay language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'msa'.LANG_MLY
MalinkeMalinke language selection. Alternate names are Western Maninkakan, Malinka and Maninga. Spoken in Senegal, Gambia and Mali. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'mlq'.LANG_MLN
MaoriMaori language selection. Spoken in New Zealand. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'mri'.LANG_MAO
MayanMayan language selection. This is a language collection which is not supported by ISO/DIS 639-3, so the CSDK uses the ISO/DSI-639-2 code for this: 'MYN'.LANG_MAY
MiaoMiao language selection. This is a macrolanguage of Hmong languages. Alternate name is Hmong. Spoken in China, Laos, Thailand,Myanmar and Viet Nam. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'hmn'.LANG_MIA
MinankabawMinankabaw language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'min'.LANG_MIN
MohawkMohawk language selection. Spoken in Canada and USA. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'moh'.LANG_MOH
NahuatlNahuatl language selection. This is a language collection which is not supported by ISO/DIS 639-3, so the CSDK uses the ISO/DSI-639-2 code for this: 'NAH'.LANG_NAH
NyanjaNyanja language selection. Alternate names are Chichewa and Chinyanja. Spoken in Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabw. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'nya'.LANG_NYA
OccidentalOccidental language selection. Constructed language. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'occ'.LANG_OCC
OjibwayOjibway language selection. This is a macrolanguage of Ojibwa, Chippewa and Ottawa languages. Alternate names are Ojibwa and Ojibwe. Spoken in Canada and USA. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'oji'.LANG_OJI
PapiamentoPapiamento language selection. Spoken in Netherlands Antilles, Aruba. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'pap'.LANG_PAP
PidginPidgin English language selection. Alternate names are Tok Pisin, Naomalanesian and New Guinean Pidgin English. Spoken in Papua New Guinea. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'tpi'.LANG_PID
ProvencalProvencal language selection. Alternate name is Occitan. Spoken in France, Italy and Monaco. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'prv'.LANG_PRO
QuechuaQuechua language selection. This is a macrolanguage of the Quechua languages. Spoken in Peru. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'que'.LANG_QUE
RhaeticRhaetic language selection. Alternate names are Romansch and Rhaeto-Romance. Spoken in Switzerland. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'roh'.LANG_RHA
RomanyRomany language selection. Spoken all over Europe. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'rom'.LANG_ROY
RuandaRuanda language selection. Alternate names are Kinyarwanda and Rwanda. Spoken in Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'kin'.LANG_RUA
RundiRundi language selection. Spoken in Burundi and Uganda. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'run'.LANG_RUN
SamoanSamoan language selection. Spoken in Samoa and American Samoa. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'smo'.LANG_SAM
SardinianSardinian language selection. This is a macrolanguage of the Sardinian languages. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'srd'.LANG_SAR
ShonaShona language selection. Spoken in Zimbabwe, Botswana and Zambia. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'sna'.LANG_SHO
SiouxSioux language selection. Alternate name is Dakota. Spoken in USA and Canada. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'dak'.LANG_SIO
SamiSami language selection (Combination of the Sami language family). This is a language collection which is not supported by ISO/DIS 639-3, so the CSDK uses the ISO/DSI-639-2 code for this: 'SMI'.LANG_SMI
Lule SamiLule Sami language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'smj'.LANG_SML
Northern SamiNorthern Sami language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'sme'.LANG_SMN
Southern SamiSouthern Sami language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'sma'.LANG_SMS
SomaliSomali language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'som'.LANG_SOM
SothoSotho, Suto or Sesuto language selection. Spoken is Lesotho and South Africa. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'sot'.LANG_SOT
SundaneseSundanese language selection. Alternate names are Sunda and Priangan. Spoken in Java and Bali in Indonesia. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'sun'.LANG_SUN
SwahiliSwahili language selection. This is a macrolanguage of the Swahili languages. Spoken in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tanzania, Kenya and Somalia. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'swa'.LANG_SWA
SwaziSwazi language selection. Alternate names are Swati, Siswati and Tekela. Spoken in Swaziland, Lesotho, Mozambique and South Africa. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'ssw'.LANG_SWZ
TagalogTagalog language selection. Spoken in Philippines. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'tgl'.LANG_TAG
TahitianTahitian language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'tah'.LANG_TAH
TinpoTinpo language selection. There is no language code for it in the ISO/DIS 639-3 standard. The CSDK uses the 'qti' local code.LANG_TIN
TonganTongan language selection. Alternate names are Tonga, Siska and Nyasa. Spoken in Malawi. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'ton'.LANG_TON
TunTun language selection. Alternate names are Tunia and Tunya. Spoken in Chad. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'tug'.LANG_TUN
VisayanVisayan language selection. The Visayan language actually consists of three languages: Cebuano, Hiligaynon and Samaran or Waray-waray. Spoken in the Philippines. There is no language code for it in the ISO/DIS 639-3 standard. The CSDK uses the 'qis' local code.LANG_VIS
WelshWelsh language selection. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'cym'.LANG_WEL
WendWend or Sorbian language selection. This is a language collection which is not supported by ISO/DIS 639-3, so the CSDK uses the ISO/DSI-639-2 code for this: 'WEN'.LANG_WEN
WolofWolof language selection. Spoken in Senegal and Mauritania. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'wol'.LANG_WOL
XhosaXhosa language selection. Spoken in South Africa and Lesotho. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'xho'.LANG_XHO
ZapotecZapotec language selection. This is a macrolanguage of the Zapotec languages. Spoken in Mexico. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'zap'.LANG_ZAP
ZuluZulu language selection. Spoken in South Africa, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique and Swaziland. ISO/DIS 639-3 code is 'zul'.LANG_ZUL