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Delivery Contents Report

This article provides an overview of Delivery Contents Report in Agility.


The Delivery Contents report (formerly called the Pipeline Run or Build Run Contents Report) groups stories and defects based on how they relate to a range of build runs (or pipeline runs).

Delivery Contents

About this Report

The Delivery Contents report displays a grid containing a list of workitems based on how they relate to a range of pipeline runs (or build runs). This range is defined by the Initial Delivery, which represents the lower bound, and the Final Delivery, which represents the upper bound. Backlog Items and defects are grouped based on whether they were introduced or completed in the defined range.

Running the Report

  1. Click the hamburger menu Hamburger iconReportsAll Reports.
  2. Scroll to the Project or Release Reports section and click Delivery Contents.
  3. Enter the report filter criteria in the appropriate fields and click Go.