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Version: Early Access Agility version 23.3 Release Notes

Release Summary Agility

Enhancements and bug fixes in

Planning Room

  • Added Issues Panel in PlanningRoom.
  • Added Requests Panel in PlanningRoom.


  • Added the ability to view and export the ideas user email from the ideas page.

General Enhancements

  • Sticky headers are now available on all the grids in .

  • The Bulk Action menu on the Backlog grid has an Owner Assignment option.

  • New option Plan Defect is now available in the defect menu.

  • Assets generated using Copy now have Copy From in the title.

Portfolio Planning

  • The Roadmap Timeline View now has a Hide Empty Row configuration option.
  • The PlanningRoom list page now has search and filtering.

Team Level Planning

  • TeamRoom panels now support full screen mode for:
    • Iteration Planning
    • Storyboard
    • Task board
    • Test board
    • List View


  • Use feature toggle option to enable OKR in Agility. The OKR feature is only available for Agility Premium and Agility Pro licenses, the OKR feature rollout date is late fall of 2023.

Room APIs

  • The new Room API helps users to configure panels in a PlanningRoom and TeamRoom.


  • Email notifications for conversations now include the link to an attachment if one is added.
  • Use drag-n-drop attachments option while adding attachments to assets.
  • Option to change the color of tags is now available in Agility.
  • Assets generated from a template are now ranked at the bottom of the backlog.
  • Included a new custom field type Tags in Agility. Agility Sync

  • Images embedded in description are now synced across JIRA and Agility.
  • Purge Option - Agility Sync now has an option to delete JIRA migration history.
  • Gitlab Support for Epics and Issues sync via custom plug-in framework.
  • Agility Sync now supports Audit History for Mapping Operations
  • Test Steps sync is supported for Zephyr, this is unidirectional - Zephyr to Agility alone.

API Rate Limits and Rollout Schedule

API Rate Limiting

In today's data driven world more enterprises are taking advantage of Agility's API. As users begin to experiment with the API. There are times when a user who is learning can impact Agility performance. These issues mostly stem from unbounded queries or trying to pull too much data at a time. To ensure Agility users receive the best experience, enforces API rate limiting.

API rate limits apply to instances running 22.3, 23.0, 23.1, and beyond.

Limit of 600 requests and 600 MB data retrieved per 60 seconds.

Rollout Schedule

  • September 16, 2023: www7 and www8 URLs
  • September 30, 2023: www13 and www14 URLs
  • October 14, 2023: www3, www4, www11, www12, and www51 through and including www56 URLs
  • October 21, 2023: All remaining instances

Limit of 20 errors per 60 seconds.

Rollout Schedule

  • July 22, 2023: Instances with www7 and www8 URLs
  • August 5, 2023: Instances with www13 and www14 URLs
  • August 19, 2023: Instances with www11, www12, and www51...www56 URLs
  • August 26, 2023: All remaining instances Agility

User Interface

TeamRoom Panels in Full Screen Mode

Agility now allows users to expand their team view in all pages. With this option the focus is on essential elements such as board and tree. This option is very useful in team rooms where specific panels can be viewed in full-screen mode.

Plan Defect Option in Templates

Agility has new Plan Defect option just like Plan Story to enable Copy tasks/test from selected defect templates.

The Defect Planner page provides the following options:

  • Add Tasks to the defect.
  • Add Tests to the defect.
  • Copy Tasks and Tests from a specific defect.
Grids now have Sticky Headers

The headers are now persistent across all grids in Agility. Earlier, the headers were hidden when the user scrolled down the list of workitems in the grid.

Objectives and Key Results

Use toggle option in experimental feature to enable OKR in Agility, OKR usage requires Identity Service

Agility Sync User Interface

Purge Option - Agility Sync now has an option to delete JIRA migration history.
  • Agility Sync now has an option to remove the data from past JIRA migrations.
  • The Purge option removes the JIRA migration history and helps users to re-run data migrations if there are changes to the field or mappings.
  • When you use the Purge option for a mapping, all data related to that particular mapping is deleted from both AgilitySync and Agility.
  • The Purge option is available only for JIRA data migrations.

Agility prompts the users for a confirmation before it executes the Purge action. The confirmation is the last opportunity for the users to retain their data, once they choose to go ahead with Purge option all the data related to that mapping, fields and workitems is removed from the Agility system.

Embed Images in Description

If an image is added to JIRA as part of the description and the story is synced with Agility, this image is displayed as a link in Agility. If you do not have access to the source the link becomes inaccessible. This issue is fixed now, images embedded in description are now properly synced across JIRA and Agility and are accessible from both the applications.

Gitlab Support for Epics and Issues sync
  • Agility supports sync of Agility Epics to Gitlab ,this is unidirectional sync between Agility and Gitlab.
  • Features created in Agility as children for the Epics are re synced to Gitlab as sub-epics under the above Epics. Parent-Child relationship is maintained and this is one way Sync between Agility Gitlab.
  • After the Epics or Sub-Epics are created in Gitlab, issues are created as children under these Epics or Sub-Epics in Gitlab, and they are synced back to Agility as children to the respective Epics or Features. The issue sync in this case is birectional, issues can be created from Agility and sync to Gitlab.
Agility Sync now supports Audit History for Mapping Operations

Agility Sync now maintains the audit history for Agility Sync operations such as:

  • Create, edit, delete, clone for mapping
  • Create, update, delete for external plug-ins
  • Create, edit, delete action for plug-in instance.

Users can access audit history from Manage Settings > Change Log > Object Type > three new options in Change log are introduced in Agility Sync for this release, they are:

  • Instance
  • Mapping
  • Plug in

To view the changes associated with these options, select the option Instance and click Search. All the changes done to this instances are displayed as shown in the following image.

Fixes - Agility

  • Fixed the Percent complete column is not honoring Show by Workitem Count user preference.
  • Tags created in uppercase or lowercase are displayed in the same case.
  • Fixed the issue with the percentage complete to match with the progress bar column.
  • The Create From Portfolio Item action works again if the targeted Portfolio Item has tags assigned.
  • Using filters in the Copy Task & Test section of Defect Templates results in 'Unable to Display' error message. This issue is fixed.

Fixes - Agility Sync

  • Performance improvement are done to Agility Sync pages.
  • Security scan issues are fixed.
  • Poller sync support for ServiceNow dot walking field.field mapped to any field.
  • JIRA migration with Custom Tag update is ignoring the custom tags or failing them.
  • Display ServiceNow dot-walking drop down fields as read-only drop down type instead of read-only text type.
  • Sync Specific condition Labels Contains/Matches EIS-JIRA with ALL is picking values only for create, and skipping the update values.

Known Issues - Agility Sync

  • Adding images to description does not sync as expected for Azure, ServiceNow, and SDFC.

Upgrade Schedule

How to UpgradeAgility EnterpriseAgility Ultimate
On-demand (auto-upgrade)Oct 21(Trial)Oct 28(On demand)
If your system is not in the auto-upgrade program, contact support to be added to the program or to schedule your upgrade.Contact UsContact Us
On site
Contact Us if you need a 2024 annual license for your on-site system.Contact UsContact Us