Work Item Base Dataset
The Work item base dataset offers a fundamental collection of data points relevant to various work items within a project management system. This dataset is crucial for tracking and managing the entire lifecycle of work items, from initiation to completion. It contains attributes such as work item IDs, titles, descriptions, statuses, priorities, and assigned resources. You can use the Work item base dataset to adopt a structured approach to managing your work items, enhancing project outcomes, and fostering continuous improvement.
To effectively roll up work item-related metrics across different hierarchy levels, it is essential to link the relevant datasets. When rolling up metrics to the hierarchy portfolio item parent, the work item must be connected to the Portfolio Item Hierarchy dataset. For metrics rolled up at the planning level hierarchy, the connection should be made with the Planning Level Hierarchy dataset.
The following are the components of this dataset:
Attribute Name | Description |
Defect resolution | Reason indicated in the source for closing the defect |
Defect resolution reason | Reason given for resolution |
Defect type | Type of defect, as in source |
Sys_source | Unique identifier for the source |
Work item | Unique identifier for the work item |
Work item category type | Category type from where the requirements originated |
Work item class of service | Class of service value for work item |
Work item closed by | Person who closed the work item |
Work item completed datetime | The date and time when the work item status was changed to the completed category. |
Work item created by | Person who created the work item |
Work item created datetime | Date and time when the work item was created |
Work item in progress datetime | Earliest date when the work item was set to in-progress |
Work item in progress flag | Flag to indicate if work item is in Progress |
Work item last in progress datetime | Date and time when the work item last moved to the in progress status category |
Work item last iteration | The last sprint (iteration) to which the work item is associated with |
Work item last iteration closed datetime | Actual closed datetime of the last iteration |
Work item last iteration planned end datetime | Planned end date for the last iteration |
Work item last iteration started datetime | Actual started datetime of the last iteration |
Work item linked to portfolio item flag | Flag to indicate if the work item is linked to the portfolio item |
Work item name | Short description of the work item |
Work item not started flag | Flag to indicate that work on the work item has not started |
Work item original completed by | The user who completes the work item |
Work item original completed datetime | The datetime when the work item was completed |
Work item owners | List of members assigned to a workitem |
Work item planning level | Planning level of the work item |
Work item portfolio item | Portfolio item to which the work item is associated |
Work item priority | Priority of the work item |
Work item reopened by | Person who reopened the work item |
Work item reopened datetime | The datetime when the work item was reopened |
Work item reopened flag | Indicates whether the work item has ever been reopened |
Work item split from | Identifier for the primary work item, this work item was split from |
Work item state | Current state category of the work item |
Work item status | Current status category of the work item |
Work item status category | The status category that corresponds to the current status of the work item |
Work item team | Team that is linked to the work item |
Work item type | Type of work item |
Work item updated by | Person who last made changes to the work item |
Work item updated datetime | Date and time when the work item was changed |
Metric Name | Description |
Work item age since creation in days | Age since work item created to closed/Current date for open work items |
Work item average duration created to in progress | Work item duration created to in progress in days/Work item in progress count |
Work item count | Total number of work items |
Work item cycle time in days | Duration between when the work item moved to in progress state to completed date and time in days |
Work item duration created to in progress | The time duration between the work item created to in progress status in seconds |
Work item duration created to in progress in days | Time taken for a work item to move from creation to the "in progress" status, in days. |
Work item in progress count | The number of work items which are in in progress state |
Work item story points | Story points assigned to the work item |
Work item lead time in days | Duration between the work item was created datetime to completed datetime in days |