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41 docs tagged with "ctf_20.0"

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Advanced Reporting and Datamart Access

Using external reporting and OLAP tools, query the datamart directly and generate reports. The database schema diagrams provide the means to create advanced query scripts to extract required information from the datamart.

Back up and Restore TeamForge

Save a copy of your TeamForge site's data to a location from where you can quickly retrieve it to your TeamForge site.

Create a Source Code Repository

Each project can have one or more source code repositories. Before you can create a source code repository, a site administrator must first add one or more SCM servers to the TeamForge environment.

Customize Reports

You can customize your reports by modifying the parameters in config.ini file. For example, some reports require a particular data source such as datamart and some require a particular license type such as ALM.

EventQ End of Life

EventQ is no longer supported and is completely removed from TeamForge starting from TeamForge 20.0. If you have been using EventQ on your site, you must consider a few things when you upgrade to TeamForge 20.0 or later.

FAQs on Binaries

This section provides solutions to common issues with TeamForge-Binary integrations.

Get the Code

Browse TeamForge to find the code you want to work on, then check out the code.

Install Memcached

Memcached caches Subversion (SVN) authentication and authorization information and serves the mod_authnz_ctf module's authentication and authorization requests thereby reducing the number of SOAP calls, which in turn results in less load on the TeamForge Application Server.

Install TeamForge in a Distributed Setup

Distributed setup with TeamForge, Database (including Datamart), Review Board, SCM (Subversion and Git), Code Search and Baseline installed on separate servers.

Integrate Tools Using Post-submit Webhooks

Post-submit webhooks lets you integrate TeamForge with other heterogeneous applications. Speaking of TeamForge trackers, post-submit webhooks are meant for publishing TeamForge tracker event messages (for example, artifact create or update event messages) to one or more subscriber applications such as Jira. The subscriber of the TeamForge post-submit events could be any application that supports webhooks.

Reporting in TeamForge

Generate a report to get a snapshot of what is going on in a project. You can generate reports on data stored in both TeamForge's production (operational) database or datamart. Datamart, also known as the Reporting database, is build by extracting, transforming and loading (ETL) TeamForge's production data to a separate database (datamart) at regular intervals.

Set up Trackers

A Tracker is a collection of related artifacts that describe work to be done or issues to be resolved. Every project should have one or more trackers. When you start a tracker, you decide which fields will be used, who will use them, and how they will use them.

TeamForge License

When you purchase a TeamForge license, you get the right to assign licenses to a specified number of users.

TeamForge Load Balancing Setup

Installing TeamForge in a Load Balancing setup ensures distribution of processing load between multiple servers. The HAProxy Server hosts the HAProxy services that are required for the load balancing function.

TeamForge Maven Deploy Plugin

The TeamForge Maven Deploy Plugin can be configured to post binary artifact deployment information to TeamForge via the Webhooks-based Event Broker (WEBR) for end-to-end traceability.

TeamForge Services and Domain Configuration Tokens

Use the host:SERVICES and the host:PUBLIC_FQDN tokens to define the services and domain names of your TeamForge site respectively. You can also have unique service-specific FQDNs for services such as Subversion, Git, mail, Codesearch and so on.

TeamForge Webhooks-based Event Broker Overview

TeamForge Webhooks-based Event Broker is a webhook driven integration broker, delivered as a free technical microservice along with TeamForge. It is a replacement for the event brokering aspects of the now deprecated EventQ product.

TOPIC Event Type

A TOPIC event type within the TeamForge Webhooks-based Event Broker is called as a Post-Submit event in TeamForge. The message of this event type is delivered to all the subscription endpoints.

If you have been updating your tracker artifacts both via the UI and CLI/SOAP, you may optionally run the `` script to fix the inconsistent CRLF characters that were found to exist in the text flex field data.

Use OAuth 2.0 for TeamForge User Authentication

With the new TeamForge Identity Management built on OpenID Connect (OIDC) and OAuth 2.0 authorization frameworks, TeamForge can now act as an ID Provider (IdP). As an IdP, TeamForge can authorize a third-party client application to obtain limited access to its services either on behalf of a Resource Owner (user) or on behalf of the client application itself.

Work with the Internal Code Browser

For Subversion and Git repositories, you have the option to use the TeamForge code browser which is turned on by default while integrating the source code server.