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Version: TeamForge 23.1

Query the TeamForge Database (Ad Hoc Database Query)

You can raise a database query using the Admin > System Tools > Ad Hoc Database Query page.


This feature is not available for sites that use the Oracle database.

In the Ad Hoc Database Query page, select a data store, Operational Datastore or Datamart or Baseline or WEBR, type the "select" query and click Run Query.

Ad Hoc Database Query against selected database

For security reasons, the sfuser and password_history tables of the operational datastore are restricted for ad hoc querying from the Admin > System Tools > Ad Hoc Database Query page. Alternatively, use the following views, sfuser_view and password_history_view, for retrieving all other data but passwords.


The results of your query may be limited or your query session may timeout as per the settings in the site-options.conf file.

You can submit read-only queries of the format:


You can use the following special keywords while drafting the query:

  • "\d" or "show tables" - To list all the tables.
  • "\d <table name> - To view the description of a specific table.
  • "select * from <table name> - To view all the contents of a specific table.