๐๏ธ Reporting in TeamForge
Generate a report to get a snapshot of what is going on in a project. You can generate reports on data stored in both TeamForge's production (operational) database or datamart. Datamart, also known as the Reporting database, is build by extracting, transforming and loading (ETL) TeamForge's production data to a separate database (datamart) at regular intervals.
๐๏ธ Run, Edit, Export or Delete a Report
Run a report to get fresh data on the status of your project.
๐๏ธ Advanced Reporting and Datamart Access
Using external reporting and OLAP tools, query the datamart directly and generate reports. The database schema diagrams provide the means to create advanced query scripts to extract required information from the datamart.
๐๏ธ Tracker Associations Data in Datamart
TeamForge ETL jobs can extract transform and load the TeamForge tracker association data to the datamart for reporting purposes.