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Create custom configuration types

You can add custom configuration types in XML. Custom configuration types appear in the configuration screens, and custom tasks can reference configuration instances. You can use custom configuration type tasks to reference third-party component settings. For example, Release includes with JIRA Server and Jenkins Server, which are custom configuration types.

Create custom task types

You can add custom task types that appear in the user interface and integrate seamlessly with other tasks in the release flow. You can use custom tasks to integrate with third-party components. For example, Release includes JIRA integration tasks, which are a set of custom tasks.

Creating Custom Tiles

You can customize the release dashboard by adding new tiles as per your specific requirements to know about your planning information. This topic describes how to create custom tiles. Release Integration Python SDK Overview Release Integration Python SDK is a set of tools that Developers can use to build container-based plugins. With Release 23.1, we are bringing in a new integration SDK experience with which you can run tasks as containers, using any language or third-party libraries.

Use Scheduling in Scripts

A scheduled script can be used within a custom task script to check for the availability of a resource or to do something when conditions are satisfied, see Create custom task types.

Webhook event tasks

Webhook event tasks are extensible automated tasks that wait for events from both webhooks endpoints and deployment provider webhook sources, and complete when the incoming event matches the specified condition.