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Version: Release 24.1

Set up Custom Context Root

This topic illustrates on how to set up the custom context root on the Release. We can change the setup of the default context root / to the custom one, for example here: /xlr-root.

How to Set up Custom Context Root

  1. Update the Release CR yaml file by running the following command:
kubectl patch -n digitalai dai-xlr \
--type=merge --patch '{"spec":{"appContextRoot": "/xlr-root"}}'

Note: The custom context root must start with /.

  1. The Release pods are automatically restarted.
  2. The CR yaml file will now have a new appContextRoot value.
kubectl get Digitalaireleases dai-xlr -n digitalai -o jsonpath='{.spec.appContextRoot}'
  1. The restarted pod process on master will now use the new context root. To check that run the following command:
kubectl port-forward svc/dai-xlr-digitalai-release 5516:80 -n digitalai
  1. Login to Release with the following URL.

Note: In case you are using Ingress, you can access Release by using the Ingress hostname.

kubectl get ingress dai-xlr-digitalai-release -o jsonpath='{.spec.rules[*].host}'

The URL for Ingress is as follows:
