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Version: Release 24.1

Updating the Release License—Kubernetes Setup

You must use the custom resource definition file (CR file) in case you want to change the Release's license on sites installed using the Operator-based installer.


The Renew/Install License function (UI) of the Release application (default setup) is not working in the operator setup.

Suppose you have installed Release in the default digitalai namespace. Use the right namespace in case you have installed Release in a custom namespace.

To renew/updated the license on an existing Operator-based Release instance:

  1. Convert the new license into base64 format.
cat <License.lic> | base64 -w 0
  1. Delete the old license:

    Note: This step is only necessary if you have /opt/xebialabs/xl-release-server/conf folder mounted as a persistent volume. Starting from version 24.1, this is no longer the default option.

kubectl exec -it dai-xlr-digitalai-release-0 -c release -n digitalai -- rm /opt/xebialabs/xl-release-server/conf/xl-release-license.lic
  1. Patch the license with the previous step's output.
kubectl patch dai-xlr -n digitalai \
--type=merge \
--patch '{"spec":{"license":"LS0tIExpY2Vuc2UgLS0tCkxpY2Vuc2U..."}}'
  1. Release PODs will automatically restart

  2. Wait for the Release pods to restart.